Ch22 Truth

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Montys POV:

I arrived at school and Immedietly walked into the building. I need to find Riley today. I have to find him. I need to know whats wrong with him. I started to explore the school to find Riley and when I finally did, barely, I spotted him at his locker again. I probably should've checked that first. He had a dark grey hoodie on and the hood was over his head with his little bunny ears drooped and poking out. I made my way over to him. He didn't notice me at all so I said something when I finally approached him. "Hey Riley." I greeted him. He slightly jumped and then turned around to face me. He locked eyes with me and sorta smiled. "Hey Monty." He greeted me back. "Hey um... Im sorry about what happened yesterday with Fritz and Glam. I got distracted and was late and I'm really sorry." I apologized to him. "Its ok. I just wish we were all there before it happened. Maybe we could've stopped it somehow." He said. I agrees with him. "Do you know if Fritz is ok now?" He asked next. "Sadly, no. He won't text me and I don't have class with him today so I just have to find him somewhere today." "Oh... Well I can help too if you need it." He said. "Thatd be lovely." I told him. His smiled he had began to fade and he slightly turned his head. Because of that and the dim hallway light, I spotted something. He had this small little cut on his neck opposite side of where his bruse was. "Hey, what's that scratch on you neck?-" "Its nothing!" He quickly said. I didnt respond for a second. Now I'm curious. I backed up and acted like I wasn't trying to invade his space. "Ok. Alright, sorry." I apologized. He turned around to grab the rest of his stuff out of his locker and I took my chance. I grabbed the top of his hood and pulled it down quickly. I looked at the cut and my heart jumped before he could hide it. "Monty, What the hell are you-" "Riley that's not a normal cut. I knew something was wrong." I quickly interrupted him. "Nothings wrong Monty. Just-" "Thats a glass cut. From a bottle. Riley. What's going on?" I asked again, figuring it out. He hesitated to speak so that confirmed my answer. "Riley." I said again, "You know I won't leave you alone about this. Please talk to me." I asked him as politely as possible. He hesitated again and then answered, "My dad did it." He said with a broken voice. My heart dropped. "What...?" I asked in fear. "There. There's your answer. Now drop it." He said, closing his locker and getting ready to walk away. I had to think fast. I immedeitly stopped him by grabbing his hand. "No, you gonna tell me what's happening. This isn't gonna be some drama movie where you wait seven years to tell me." He stopped and sighed again. "Riley, you know I care about you. Now please talk to me." I begged him, slowly releasing his hand. He turned back to me. He trusts me. "I live with an abusive alcoholic father." He told me. My heart started to burn. "Riley..." "He beats me every time he sees me do something wrong. The cut is because I forgot to change the laundry. He... He'll hit me or cut me. That his abusive language." He told me. I didnt know what to say. I felt terrible for him. My poor bun... "W-what about your mom?" I asked him. He didn't respond. Then I realized. Oh fuck. I shouldnt have asked that. He then quickly tried to walk away. "Wait Riley!" I called out to him. He ignored me. I tried to catch up with him and he noticed. "I dont wanna talk about it anymore Monty. I'll tell you a different time." He said, turning the corner into a different hallway. I'm not losing this now. I quickly caught up beside him and held his hand again. But I didn't grab it like I wanted to just pull him or something. I slipped my hand completely into his and held it. Then I got infront of him. "Riley, talk with me. I'm not letting you walk away from this. I need to know if your ok and if I can help you." I begged him. He didn't argue or anything, he just sighed. "I got my mom killed in a crash." He started, "She was teaching me how to drive and I swerved by accident and we crashed down a hill. She died. My dad blamed me ever since. And I don't blame him. He's... He's punished me for it. He beat me and cut me. And now all he does is drink to try and forget his emotions. And I have to live with it." He finished and he left me in shock. I almost couldnt find the words to respond to that. I was heartbroken. "Riley... Im so sorry... I dont know what to say..." I apologized. He looked down. He noticed our hands together and he held mine back. "Riley... Ye'know you can talk to me right? Im always open for ya." I told him. He sighed and then looked back up at me. "I..." "And hey, don't blame yourself, ok? It's not your fault at all. I can tell you didn't mean too... Ye'know. And fuck your dad." He huffed at the last part and sorta smiled. Then the bell rang. I looked down at our hands and he did too and we both blushed and quickly released eachother. I chuckled nervously. "S-sorry about that." I apologized. "I-Its ok. I-I didnt mind it." He replied. Students started to fill the halls and I quickly took notice and turned back to Riley. "Um... Please dont tell anyone. Ok?" He asked me. "I won't, Riley." He went quiet again and stayed looking down. "Hey." I asked him. He looked up at me. "I'm always here if you need to talk ok? Text me or call me anytime and I'll answer." He nodded slowly. "Thank you, Monty." He replied. I gave him my sweet smile and he returned it. "I'll see you later." I told him as I slowly started to walk away. "See you." He replied, then leaving too. As I started to walk I only thought about what he said. Oh my poor bunny boy. My sweet love. I'm so so sorry. You dont deserve any of this. Fuck. I cant tell Glam this. He'll break down into tears. I dont wanna see him cry. I dont wanna see anyone cry. Shit. Everythings getting stressful now.

Rileys POV:

I started off towards my next class and I thought of Monty. Maybe I should'nt have told him. I mean, he wasn't there when Glam and Fritz were upset. But... He did explain why and he did apologize. And he swore to help me. But maybe I shouldnt have trusted him. Maybe I should trust him. My mind says no but my heart says hes trustworthy. Its just a matter of time before something bad happens. But he's such a kind hearted person. Maybe I can... I dont know... I feel like if I should've told someone it should've been no one. I sighed and just headed to my first hour class.

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