Chapter 32

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I arrive at the other side of the portal to see qrow, yang, and Weiss getting reacquainted

Qrow: good to see you y/n, what took you so long?

You know how raven is qrow

Qrow: I know y/n, did she try to get you to join the tribe?

Kind of

Qrow: hmm I assume you said no?

Uh yeah qrow I'm no bandit remember how I lost this hand

Qrow: yea yeah

Weiss: where is everyone else

Qrow: they're inside RUBY coke here please

Ruby walks out carrying a trey with what looks like food on it until she sees us and drops the trey shattering the fine china causing everyone else to run outside

Ruby: wow Yang! Weiss! I didn't think I would every see you two again..... UNCLE Y/N!

Good to see you too kid how has it been getting to mistral?

Qrow: we can talk about it over dinner

Alright then, when is dinner?

Qrow: well apart of it is on the floor now

Ruby: uhhh huh I can make more

Jaune: I think you mean ren can make more

Ruby: Hey! I'm a great cook

Jaune: how about when you burnt last weeks dinner?

Ruby: ok a good cook

Nora: or when you burnt my pancakes

Ruby: ok a decent cook

Ren: how about last night whe-

Ruby: OK I get it

Yang: we all need to talk especially you three

Me and qrow gulp

Yang: how could you lie to us like that were you ever going to tell us- me what I was getting myself into

Im sorry yang I just didn't know how to tell you it's very daunting to learn about what's all against us

Yang: so you just decided not to tell me and let me go into this blind?

Im sorry yang I don't know what to say I just wanted what was best

Yang: well sorry isn't good enough

I- uh- I don't know what to say

Yang: hhmmmpppphhhhh

*yang storms off*

Weiss: im sure she will cheer up father

Thank you weiss

Weiss: but I don't know if I will

What!? What did I do?

Weiss: it isn't what you did do it's what you DIDNT DO you let me get captured by bandits I was kept in a cage for a days waiting for you hoping you would come help me or even winter and I understand why she couldn't help but not you especially after we know you can turn into a bird

Ruby: woah what?

Ozpin: hmm who told you that Ms.schnee?

Weiss: it was raven not even my own father would tell me without someone else basically telling us

Ozpin: well yes I did give them the ability to turn into birds so they could be better at finding and stoping salems plans although y/n did get this ability a while after qrow and raven

Ruby: and why's that?

Well since raven left Ozpin needed someone else to help keep and eye on what was going on, it's a hard job and it needs more than one person doing it and I was able to keep an eye on weiss when I was able

Nora: awwwe that's so sweet, are you sure you can stay mad at him Weiss

Weiss: I'm pretty sure, one of the only times I really need him there and he isn't I know you were helping yang but a little check up couldn't have hurt, you don't know what I went through when beacon fell and my own father didn't even come and see how I was doing

Weiss I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that just yang really needed some guidance and assistance

Weiss: and I didn't? I'm your daughter and you just left me

Weiss now storms off

Qrow: hmm you seemed to piss off 2/3 of the remainder of team RWBY you want to find something to piss off ruby?

Oh fuck off qrow not funny

Ruby: ah ah ah swear jar

No way you kept that with you the whole time

Ruby: well I did and you owe 1 lien while uncle qrow owes 127 lien to the jar

Qrow: really kid you kept count?

Ruby: of course I would it's freeeeee— it teaches you to stop cursing

Qrow: riiiiiiigggghhhhttt well when I see the lien going to something else besides you upgrading your weapon I won't be paying my due

That not the first time

Qrow: shut your mouth y/n you don't know anything

You don't know anything

Qrow: at least I know to use protection

Ruby: protection for what?

Me and qrow: uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Qrow: you'll learn when you're older ruby

Ruby: awwweee you always say that I'm tired of you thinking I'm to young for everything

Qrow: when you're older

Ruby: ok hmpf

So Ozpin what is the plan now?

Ozpin: we have about a month until class resumes so we have a little bit less u til they make their move to get the relic so we should focus on training the younger ones

Ruby: yeah but who would train us?

Ozpin: well I was the headmaster of beacon at one time and we do have a renown huntsmen here as well

Ruby: oh right

But who should train who Ozpin

Ozpin: qrow would you like to help tea-

Qrow: nooooope I chose to quit teaching for a reason you two got it

Ozpin: alright so I'll teach ruby and Weiss so you don't go soft on them you can teach ren Nora and Jaune

What about yang?

Ozpin: well I thought you and tai trained her enough?

Well yes but she still needs some refining she still hasn't reached her potential like I know she can

Ozpin: well if she is willing I will also train her so your personal biases don't get in the way

Well we have a plan, start training tomorrow?

Ozpin: yes

Well you three better get some rest because this next month is going to be the most physically grueling one you have had in months

Jaune: even worse then the walk here?

Indeed Jaune

They all three grown

End of chapter 32

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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