Chapter 14

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I have been training ruby for the last 8 months in the art of scythe wielding; I must say she is very skilled now especially since she has come up with moves I didn't even think of, like using the recoil of the weapon for momentum to travel faster or reposition one's self
That's probably because she is lighter than me now that I think about it, the recoil from my weapon probably wouldn't move me much

Time skip 2 years

Yang is about to go to beacon and I must say that I am very proud of her and Weiss I am unsure on where she is going to become a huntress I assume atlas because it's in her home kingdom and would make the most sense
Currently I'm at patch helping Yang get ready for beacon since she is going in two months

Beacon is demanding of you Yang and you will be ready to spend nights studying and preparing for classes I know this might be bad to hear, but it's true you will have to train and focus to become a huntress especially a successful and famous one such as your amazing uncle here
Tai: he is right Yang, not about the famous part but the preparedness and professionalism required to be a successful huntress
Yang: uggh you think I haven't heard this before? I have heard from every last teacher at signal the day we arrived

I know I just want my niece to be a great huntress who stands for good and justice
Yang: I know uncle y/n, just trust me I know what I'm doing

I know I just want you to be the best you can be which is unlike your father here
Tai: HEY what's that supposed to mean?

Well I mean you did kinda get carried in the vital tournament our first year; literally and figuratively
Tai: hey that doesn't mean I haven't improved, I'm just as good as you maybe even better

Me and Yang stare at tai
Me and Yang: pfffffff hahahahahaha
Yang: dad he's THE black reaper the most famous huntsmen since the reaper themselves
Tai: I'm cool too
Yang: dad your fine I love you just the way you are
Tai: awe thanks my little firecracker

Yeah yeah, lie to help his self esteem
Tai: hey man I'm tired of being your verbal punch bag

Tai I'm just messing
Tai: I know I'm just annoyed at it

I'm sorry bro
Tai: it's fine

Yangs scroll starts ringing
Yang: oh hey sorry dad and uncle y/n it's my friends they want to hang out bye

Bye little dragon be safe
Tai: make sure you call me if you need me please be safe
Tai she will be fine
Tai: I know I'm just worried

That's ok just let her be her own person let her make her own mistakes that's what makes us stronger

Tai: you're right, why don't you act like this in front of the kids?

Well I have a reputation to uphold as the cooler uncle you know?
Tai: I guess, could you do a favor for me?
Tai I don't feel like following her
Tai: please y/n please I have a bad feeling about tonight

Ok I guess
Tai: thank you so much y/n
No problem, but this is the last time I'll ever do this
Tai: understood

I follow Yang in my bird form so I'm not spotted
Yang arrives at a nightclub; hmmm I don't she should be here, but that's what your teenage years are for
I'm about to leave and tell tai she will be fine when I hear a loud crash inside the building I go to a window to see inside that she is fighting some men I wait to see if she has this fight and she surely does Yang is moping the floor with them right now until the guy pulls out a rocket launcher I get worried but I see she has it handled
that's my niece right there I'm so proud of her she has grown so much

I wait until she leaves the nightclub to fly back to patch to make sure she was fine and that she doesn't know I was spying on her

I arrive back at patch to tell tai she was fine
Tai: that's great y/n, so she did go to one of her friends houses?

Yup Yang is going to be fine stop worrying tai
Tai: ok I'll try, but I just can't help it you know?

Yeah I know I wish I could see and talk to Weiss more, but I can't just pop into their home again to say hi
Tai: I know it hurts y/n but she is getting to that age; maybe you could tell her the truth and you could become a father a daughter like you always wanted

Ruby: with who? Uncle y/n you have a kid?! Why didn't you tell us? Can we meet them please?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, me? Have a kid no you must have misheard I don't have a kid, never have never will

Ruby: hmmmm I think your lying uncle y/n

Me? No never I would never lie to you ruby

Ruby: tell me the truth uncle y/n, was that why you were just gone some days when you started to train me? It all makes sense now you have a kid, how old are they do you have multiple kids?

No ruby I don't I only have one kid
Ruby: so you admit it
Yes I do
Ruby: how old are they? Are they younger than me? Can we meet them?

She is a little bit older than Yang, I don't think so because of some circumstances I'm unable to see her most of the time
Ruby: I'm sorry to hear that uncle y/n, wait if she is as old as Yang does that mean she could go to beacon with Yang?

I guess that is possible, but I don't think so
Ruby: why?

Well she lives in another kingdom

Ruby: which one?

Ruby: that's cool I guess

Hey ruby could you maybe keep this like private I don't need the world knowing the black reaper has a child, because if they did she would get no privacy and I'm not telling you her name for that same reason

Ruby: awe ok I promise uncle y/n

Thank you ruby
Ruby: can I tell Yang?

Sure I guess just make sure she knows to be quiet on it too
Ruby: of course
Thanks kid

Time skip a month and a half

I'm currently in a bar just drinking cause I was bored and a little depressed at not being able to have much contact with Weiss I was drinking my drink when I heard and felt a explosion from across the street I rush outside to see an explosion on top of a shop named dust to dawn

End of chapter 14

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