Chapter 28

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I walk out of ruby's room after answering some of her questions to see qrow

Qrow: y/n how is she doing

Who? Yang or ruby?

Qrow: ruby

Well she seems to be fine but I fear there might be some lingering PTSD from the fall hopefully she finds a healthy coping mechanism

Qrow: this is all my fault if I was able to help maybe find out who the pawns were before it happens I could have saved more lives

Qrow don't say that you did the best you could, you shouldn't be thinking on these what ifs or these I should haves you we need to focus on the now what our plan is now since oz is gone and for now care for ruby and yang and make sure they are fine

Qrow: what about... you know the other?


Qrow: yeah her

I hope she is fine, she is in atlas she will be fine for now I'll check on her soon

Qrow: are you sure she will be fine?

Well what can I do qrow? Bring her here? I don't think I could smuggle a person out of atlas like that and no less a member of the schnee family; it's probably for the best that she is with her mother even if her "father" is there she's strong I know she can handle it

Qrow: I hope so

A week or two pass

It's the early morning and I see ruby and some students from beacon; the last remaining team members from JNPR at the front of the house looking like they are going to leave

Where do you think your going?

Ruby: ah! Uncle y/n! You're here early today

Yes, yes I am and may I ask why you are all kitted up and ready to leave with your friends?

Jaune: uh professor y/n we are right here you know

Ruby did you tell anyone? Have you told them goodbye? I can handle you going, but can your father? Can your sister right now?

Ruby: I- I don't know I just don't think I could face them and tell them bye like that knowing I'm going to be gone for a while, and I don't know if yang even wants to see me right now

Trust me ruby she would love to see her sister especially in such a vulnerable moment like now, but I don't think I can change your mind so promise me you'll be safe and look out for each other

Ruby and JNR: we promise

Where are you going anyway? I assume mistral?

Jaune: yes professor y/n we are going to get answers from the headmaster in mistral

Please don't call me professor that title died when beacon fell

Jaune: uh ok pro- y/n

Good, one last thing, ruby

Ruby: yes uncle y/n?

Take a map

Ruby: uh yeah thanks uncle y/n we would have been so lost without that

Yeah yeah see you around kid

Ruby and JNR: bye


Ruby and her friends start walking down the path to mistral when qrow lands next to me

So who's staying and who's following them?

Qrow: you always were better with the Emotional stuff and yang needs that now so I think I will tail ruby and her friends while you stay here with yang

Good idea qrow, make sure to keep them safe, even jaune

Qrow: I know y/n

Ok qrow, bye bro

Qrow: yup bye

A week has gone by since ruby left I'm watching yang right now since tai went to the store and she's still in a depressive mood, a package for her arrived a couple of days ago and it was a metal arm to replace her lost one, but she refused to try it on so I decided to talk with her and make her see sense

Hey yang

Yang: hey uncle y/n, if you are here to convince me to try the arm I'm not going to

And why not?

Yang: you wouldn't understand, no one knows how I'm feeling right now

Hmm I think I do

Yang: how could you possi- oh my god uncle y/n I'm so-

Don't be I felt the same way too when this happened

Yang: you never told me how it happened when me and ruby asked you would always change the subject

Well I guess I can tell you now, but I must warn you; you won't like the tale this is your last chance to turn back

Yang: I want to know

Well then, what happened was that I was betrayed by a dear friend that I thought I could trust someone I thought had my back, but I was mistaken

Yang: who was it? Who betrayed you?

It was raven; your mother
Yang takes a deep gasp

I don't blame you for it so don't feel any generational guilt or anything

Yang: could I hear how it happened?

Well me and your mother were on a simple mission escort and protect simple easy everything was going great until a bandit tribe showed up; her old tribe she apparently got home sick and decided the tribe was more important than her family I tried to stop her, make her see reason but she wasn't swayed to it turned to a quick fight and I lost maybe because I was tired or maybe because she was a friend it doesn't matter now, but she severed my hand clean from my arm

Yang: she... she cut your hand off?

Yes she did feel remorse I hope she called a bulkhead to come pick me up and take me to a hospital right before she fled with her tribe for the next couple of months I fell into a deep depression and almost killed myself one night, but summer and tai helped me out of the hole and atlas was generous enough to send me a replacement limb; just like the one they sent you

Yang: uggh don't tell me that you only told me the story to make me try on the arm

Yang i want you to at least try don't just sit here and slowly waste away you could be out helping others in need you could become a huntress still

Yang: what if I don't want to? Have you considered my feelings what my ambitions are now?

Yang I know you, you don't want to sit here forever I know that I might not know what you want to do now but I know this isn't it I know you don't like to be a passenger in life I know you want to be an active participant and I know you want to protect your sister and guess where she is now she's on her way to mistral to question the headmaster of haven academy right now with her friends

Yang: friends?

Yes the remaining member of team JNPR

Yang: you're telling me you just let a group of students leave? How irresponsible are you?

Relax yang qrow is with them they'll be fine

Yang: that's somewhat reassuring

Now then.. Would you so kindly try on your new arm? Or will have to force you to?

Yang: I think I'll give it a try

End of chapter 28

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