Chapter 11

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I am currently watching over the schnee manor when I see what looks like a splinter group from the white fang sneak into the back I quickly fly around the mansion and try to find another way in to intercept them before they harm any of them
After wasting about five precious minutes finding a open window I fly in and turn into my human for trying to find them to help keep them safe I run around the mansion aimlessly trying to find willow and her three children, I am still running around until I hear a faint scream from one of the kids, I start to run as fast I as I can to the sound I eventually make my way there to see willow winter Weiss and Whitley being held hostage from the white fang
The white fang don't notice me yet but Weiss did and for some reason asked who I was so the white fang notice me and ask me who I am

I am y/n the y/n rose her to protect the innocent from the likes of you

White fang member: THE Y/N, guys I think we might be in over our heads we should run before anything bad happens
Other white fang member: no he's just a stupid human we can take him

Well then let's see if this "stupid human" can lay you out

Five out of the nine white fang members come and attack me while the other four hang back to hold the schnee family still

I make quick work of the five and make my way towards the other four that stayed back

You can all surrender you don't have to get hurt
White fang member: shut up you don't know anything

I tried to warn you I use my semblance to take out two of them quickly the third charges me and I trip him and knock him out with the blunt side of my scythe the final one uses winter as a human shield blocking me from taking a shot

White fang member: if you get any closer I will kill her
Ok ok calm down there's no reason to do this, be rational you'll only give the Faunus a bad name killing a schnee, imagine the retribution some humans would seek for her death; it's not worth it just drop you weapon

White fang member: no no no you can't make me this the only way out you stay back

As he is speaking a atlas specialist sneaks into the room and quietly aims at the white fang member the specialist looks at me and I nod my head for thin to take the shot he takes it a incapacitates the white fang member saving winter

Atlas specialist: may I ask your name sir? You are obviously a huntsmen

My name is y/n rose
May I ask yours?
Atlas specialist: sorry where are my manners im James ironwood

Winter: thank you specialist ironwood for saving my life
Ironwood: of course anything to protect the people of atlas

After their conversation winter and Weiss walk over to me
Weiss: I can't believe we were saved by THE y/n, the black reaper
Winter: that is amazing, thank you for saving our lives

Of course it's what a huntsmen does
Willow makes her way over to me and gives me a hug
Willow: thank you so much for saving my children sir, how could I ever repay you?
(Obviously willow isn't going to show that she knows y/n that would make the kids suspicious)

You don't have to do anything I was just doing my job, specialist ironwood I think it's time we get these lawbreakers to jail

Ironwood: of course sir
Me and ironwood call a transport we load them up and he leaves with the transport to ensure their booking in the jail
Willow walks out alone without the kids
Willow: thank you so much y/n, but how did you know this was happening?

Well I did say I would help you guys whenever you needed it, and here I was
Willow: that isn't what I was asking

I know I was just in the neighborhood I saw the suspicious group and followed them here and that leads us to now

Willow: are you sure that's the answer you want to go with?

Well it's the truth I swear
Willow: well ok then, do you want to say hi to Weiss at all, jaqués isn't here right now he is on a business trip

Of course he is, I don't think it would be smart since they might get suspicious if I go in just to say hi to her, I think it's best if I leave

Willow: *disappointedly* well ok, I just want her to know her father

I know, but that will come in time but not now it would be too risky with your husband

Willow: i know, it's just-

Willow I know you want her to know her father, just know I care for all of you, you, winter, Weiss and Whitley; all of you not just Weiss... please don't forget that

Willow: I won't

Good, remember I'm always a call away

Willow: I know y/n, bye

Bye willow take care

I leave atlas and continue go to patch to check on tai and the girls to make sure they are fine because I'm going to be gone a mission for a while; to help figure out the motives and capabilities of the white fang

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