Chapter ten

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I did enjoy my time with summer and her family over wintertime

I go back to aiding people as a huntsmen and turning the black reaper into a household name where almost every person across remnant knows of my work of saving the weak and innocent and destroying the ones who would harm them
Some years go by I always visit summer and her family and try to when possible to see Willow and her family in my bird form of course.

One day I got a call on my scroll from qrow saying that summer was missing and presumed dead; it broke my heart I spent the whole night crying I felt like a horrible brother for not spending more time with my sister, I never got to give her one last goodbye, ruby and Yang have to be going through a tough time not to mention tai; I'm going to visit them as soon as this mission is over

I finished the mission and went to patch as fast as I could to help tai take care of Yang and ruby through this tough time.
I finally get to patch, I knock on the door of the xiao-long home and tai answers
Tai: hey y/n, she's she's gone-
Tai I know come here you need a hug
He hugs me tightly and starts to cry on my shoulder
It's ok tai let it all out, she may be gone but we will always carry her in our hearts
I continue to hug him for a while until he lets go
Tai: thank you y/n, I needed someone to cry to it's been really rough with summer missing, I don't know what to do anymore with the love of my life gone

Tai, calm down, raising two kids by yourself is going to be hard but I'll be here to help; I'm the favorite uncle for a reason

Tai: heh I guess you are right

How are yang and ruby taking the news?

Tai: I haven't told them yet, they keep asking where summer is I just keep saying her mission is taking longer than expected

Hmm that's not good tai
Tai: I know y/n I just don't know how to break it to them

I'll do it
Tai: are you sure?

Of course I am they may hate me for telling them their mom passed away, but I don't want them to hate their dad that would be horrible

Tai: thank you y/n
Hey that's what family is for

I make my way up the stairs to ruby's and yang's room to give them the bad news I knock on their door
Yang says to come in
Yang: dad we don't want any—
Ruby: uncle y/n what are you doing here?

Hey ruby, hey yang come here give me a hug
They both hug me tightly
Yang: do you know what happened to our mom?

Yes I do why don't we all sit down first, ok?
Ruby and yang: ok

We all sit on yangs bed both ruby and Yang stare at me to tell them what happened to my sister. I try to find the right words to say until I finally find them.
You both know your mom was a hero, right?
Both: of course
Yang: why does this matter... no this can't mean that she
Yes she went missing on her last mission Yang we don't know where she is and if she is ok, but know she loved both of you with all her heart and if you need someone I'm always here for you two even uncle qrow and especially your dad, we all will be here for you two always

Ruby: uncle y/n
Ruby: is dad going to be ok?
Your father is one of the strongest people I know ruby, he might have a hard time for now, but he will adjust just like I hope you two can; I know this is a great change to y'all's lives, but you can talk to me both of you can, me and your mother lost our parents when we were 9 to a grim attack they went out fighting just like I know summer did

Ruby and Yang come over to me and give me a tight hug with them crying a tiny bit
Yang: uncle y/n I miss her so much already
I know I know I miss her too we all do Yang it's just we have to learn to live without her with us, but we can live with her in our hearts keeping her memory close to us

Yang and ruby let go
Ruby: will you be leaving us?
No ruby I'll stay here to help as long as I am needed by you,Yang, and your dad as long as you all need me

Ruby: thank you uncle
She runs up to me and give me another tight hug
Of course ruby I love you all with the bottom of my heart I would do anything for all of you

Time skip 2 years
Tai recovered and bounced back from the death of my sister and try's to be the best father he can be to his daughters
I visit often more often than I used to I usually leave for a month or two and stay for two weeks making sure they all are fine
Since Yang is twelve she is old enough to start training to be a huntress I made sure that is what she wanted and we decided to find out what her semblance was; and it's a very powerful one at that making her very strong naturally making her a brawler like her father so he has more of a hand in training yang than me, but when I look at ruby when she decides to be a huntress if she does that is she will most likely fight like me or summer since she acts a lot like her mother it would be natural that she fights like her or me, but only time will tell

After I leave I go to visit atlas to watch over winter and weiss training to become huntresses hopefully they all become great huntresses that fight for what is right and good

End of chapter ten

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