Chapter 24

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Hello everyone tuning in again and welcome to the pair part of the tournament where teams of twos fight each other inside the ring the rules are the same as last time, but instead of a four v four it is a two v two

Oobleck: yes and it makes these fights more intimate and faster paced since there are only four people in the ring instead of eight

We will now begin with the first match of today first up is team CMEN from haven academy the two fighting today are emerald sustrai and mercury black and the opposing team is from beacon academy team CFVY being represented by coco adel and yatsushashi daichi


I am disappointed that team CFVY lost since they came from beacon, but I guess the other team had more skill

Time skip
And the next fight is team RWBY from beacon academy represented by Yang Xiao-long and Weiss schnee they are facing team FNKI from atlas academy being represented by flynt coal and neon katt
Fighters get ready

And there you have it folks team RWBY has come out victorious

I would call that a well earned victory dr
Oobleck: I would too, that move by Ms schnee was very admirable sacrificing herself to help her teammate win

I agree dr

Time skip

And that will conclude todays matches come back tomorrow for the 1 v 1 fights to determine the ultimate victor of the vytal tournament

Oobleck: please leave in A CALM AND ORDERLY FASHION

I make my way towards where weiss is so I can make sure she is ok

Weiss are you okay?

Weiss: yes dad I'm fine, I just got a little careless

Careless? That's what huntresses do; sacrificing themselves for the greater good I'm proud of you kid

Weiss: thanks dad
Me and weiss hug and let go

Qrow: hope I didn't interrupt anything

Qrow what are you doing here?

Qrow: well I wasn't able to catch up with my old friend since you were busy earlier and since you are free now I thought it would be a good time to catch up

Ok, where do you want to go? Wait don't answer that bar isn't it

Qrow: you know it

Ok I'll be out in a second

Qrow: ok

Bye weiss I love you, rest get your strength back you did take a hit jumping into that fire dust powered plum

Weiss: ok dad love you too

I walk outside the dorm to see qrow waiting
Qrow: so, ready to go? 

Yup so what bar qrow?

Qrow: I'm not here to actually drink with you, can we go to your room?

Uh sure qrow follow me
We make our way towards the dorm and I close the door making sure no one followed us

So what did you want to talk about qrow?

Qrow: y/n there's something coming something big

If there is why hasn't Ozpin told me?

Qrow: he wants to keep it a secret the people responsible for ambers condition are here and they are going to do something big, I don't know what yet but it will be a catastrophe if we don't do something

Ok what can we do? We don't know their identities and how are we going to find them in such a vast sea of people?

Qrow: I haven't figured that out yet, but if we don't get to them before they execute their plan we may have a tragedy on our hands; if shit does hit the fan y/n promise me something; protect the girls yang, ruby, Weiss please do that

Of course qrow they are my family I would give my life for them

Qrow: ok I'm just worried what they have planned will cause disaster

I know qrow, but what can we do? All we can do for now is to hold our defenses and be prepared

Qrow: I guess

Remember hope fo—

Qrow: for the best prepare for the worst I know I know you always said that

I know, but it was a good slogan

Qrow: yeah until the legends decided that you were a silent reaper avenging the dead

Yeah... I mean it's kind of cool it does intimidate any enemy that I may face, that is intelligent and not grim that is

Qrow: just be prepared there is something big going on that Ozpin and ironwood haven't completely filled us in on

I know it's probably for the best for now

Qrow: maybe maybe not we just have to put our faith in Ozpin and hope he knows what he is doing

Which is scary but qrow trust Ozpin he hasn't lead us astray yet

Qrow: yet that is I hope he doesn't

I know he won't

Eventually qrow left my room after he raided my liquor storage and decided since he licked it it belonged to him; which has me convinced he is a child that knows too much

Time skip next day

Oobleck: hello everyone to the 1 v 1 finals for the tournament, but you must be wondering where my co host is and I will answer that; we decided to spice things up so for the first time ever we are having a challenge, currently in the ring is my co host THE BLACK REAPER waiting for someone to challenge him and claim themselves better than the legend himself; now does anyone want to accept the challenge? If you dare that is?

I look around the arena looking for anyone raising their hand to try their luck fighting me, I don't see anyone at first until I hear a scream from someone


End of chapter 24

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