Chapter 27

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Me and oobleck has been fighting this horde of Grimm we were killing them off fairly quickly, but more and more just kept coming we eventually managed to kill most of them

Oobleck: I think that was the most of them y/n

It seems so, we must head to beacon to help defend the school

Oobleck: I will stay here to kill off any stragglers

Ok oobleck stay safe

Oobleck: and you too y/n

I make my way over to beacon in my bird form while I am flying I see a giant grim float past
What even is that?!
I need to find the girls I need to make sure they are safe

I fly through the mass of grim I finally make it to beacon and see that most of the people are gone I finish off any grim I see and try to find anyone I come across a student scared out of their mind

Student: p-p-professor y/n is that you?

Yes it's me, come now I will lead you to safety

Student: t-t-thank you

I escort the kid to the safe zone and make sure he is alright I continue walking to see some of my students ren and Nora


Ren: professor

Where is team RWBY

Ren: yang and Blake are in the tent over there

Are they ok?

Ren: I'm afraid to say that yang is in bad condition professor

What do you mean?

Ren: I think it would be best for you to go see

I make my way over to the tent holding yang I slowly open the flap to see yang laying down unconscious and... and part of her arm missing

No no no this wasn't supposed to happen, I should have been there I should have protected you I'm sorry yang I'll make this right

Blake: professor y/n?

Yes Blake?

Blake: I know who did this to yang

Who Blake tell me right now

Blake: it was Adam Taurus

Damn, I knew he would do something horrendous i should have killed him when I first met him and not have taken pity on him

Blake do you know where ruby and Weiss are?

Blake: I have no idea maybe someone else does

I walk outside the tent to go ask ren where ruby and Weiss are

Ren where are ruby and Weiss?

Ren: they went to the main tower to help Pyrrha, I don't know if they made it there

Thank you ren I'm going to find them

Ren: please make sure they are safe professor

Of course

I use my semblance to rush towards beacon to find ruby and Weiss in all this madness I see Weiss coming back from the tower


Weiss: dad!

We rush towards each other and hold each other in a tight hug and slowly release

Where is ruby?

Weiss: she is at the top of the tower

Ok, Weiss go back to the safe zone I can take it from here

Weiss: stay safe father

You too Weiss

Weiss start running back to the safe zone while I use my bird form to fly up to the tower when suddenly I see a bright flash of silver

No no no, she unlocked it she's going to have a giant target on her back for the rest of her life and it's my fault

I eventually make my way to the top of the tower to see ruby passed out and Pyrrhas armor and qrow eventually makes his way up

Qrow: what happened here?

I have no idea I just got here myself, but pyrrhas armor is here and she isn't I think she may have passed away qrow

Qrow: very unfortunate, this means the fall maiden has the full powers now

It does, this is really bad where is oz

Qrow: he's gone too

This is really bad qrow, what are we going to do?

Qrow: we will figure it out later I'll carry ruby back you bring pyrrhas armor

Ok ok yeah, I'll make sure she gets a proper funeral and memorial

I make my way to the safe zone with pyrrhas things to keep them safe I find team JNPR well team JNR

Jaune: professor y/n is Pyrrha with you? Is she safe?

I'm sorry Jaune I was too late

Jaune: what do you mean?

I pull out her armor and weapons

Jaune she gave her life to help protect beacon

Jaune: but.. but... she said she would come back

I'm sorry Jaune, she's gone

Jaune: no no you can't be serious you have to be wrong she might have gotten lost she's still here there's no way she's gone

Nora: Jaune she's gone, she has passed on

Jaune: no no

Jaune slowly breaks into tears

Jaune: why? Why couldn't it have been me?

Jaune, she decided this she was willing to give her life to help safe others it's what a real huntress would have done

Jaune: I- I don't know what to do, she's gone I-

The best you can do is remember her and honor her, keep her memory alive make sure her heroism is known

Jaune: you are right I need to carry on her legacy

Yes, I think for now you all need to rest I'll be back to  check on you all for now I need to help secure the perimeter

We all are on patch
Qrow: ruby woke up y/n do you want to talk to her?

You can, if she has questions then come get me

Qrow: ok

Qrow walks away and talks to her about a couple minutes later he returns

Qrow: she wants to know more about the silver eyes

Of course she does, ok I'll talk to her

Hey ruby

Ruby: hey uncle y/n, uncle qrow said you could tell me more about the silver eyes?

Well yes, as you know me, you and your mother had this trait, it's very rare and it's very powerful with our eyes we can destroy grim with a simple glare; or that's how I was told

Ruby: what do you mean told?

Well I never unlocked mine (y/n is lying so she doesn't ask to be taught hoping she wasn't put on the radar for Salem)

Ruby: but I thought you were and great huntsmen

Well yes, but I can be great without the super cool eye powers

Ruby: I guess you are right, is yang ok?

She will be ruby, she's strong I know she will make it through this

Ruby: I really hope so uncle y/n

I know so ruby I know so

End of chapter 27
Sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a couple of days I was really busy lately and might be again

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