Chapter six

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I made my way over to tai's and Summers's house to show them my new hand
Summer answers
Summer: hey y/n what's up?
I go to give her a fist bump with the new hand
Summer: Woah what's that? Is it a new hand? TAI come here you have to see this

Yes summer it is a new hand it was a gift from atlas since I helped develop the altesian knights fight patterns

Summer: that's so cool y/n that means you can go on missions again

Hopefully it does

*Tai comes to the door with baby yang in hand*

Tai: yes summer you called?
*noticed my new hand*
Tai: Wow is that a metal hand y/n?

Yeah it's a gift from the science team at atlas

Tai: that great! Does that mean you can go on missions again?

I really hope so, I think I'm going to visit atlas to give them thanks for the new hand

Summer: that sounds great I think you should
Tai: I think you should too that would really show that it meant a lot to you

Then I am off to atlas I'll be back in a month or so I'm going to visit other people while I'm traveling

Summer and tai: stay safe than y/n

I always do

*timeskip to being in atlas*
I finally get to the lab at atlas to give my thanks I walk in and see the team who made my hand

Everyone I would like to personally thank you all you have given me my life back I can finally go back to being a huntsmen again

Atlas science head: of course y/n it's the least we could do, the data gathered from your combat patterns have made our altesian knights even more capable, and we got invaluable experience with making prosthetics hopefully we will be able to mass produce prosthetic limbs for any person who was born without one or lost it.

That's great to hear, my I ask your name?

Atlas science head: of course my name is dr.Pietro

Well thank you so much Dr.Pietro

Dr.Pietro: of course it's the least i could do

I leave the lab and start to walk around atlas maybe summer would like a gift from atlas or maybe I could get something for Yang; I decided on both so I went to the baby store to find a gift for her when I ran into someone I didn't expect; the willow Schnee with a stroller with a baby girl in it

Willow: y/n is that you you look so different

Well time has a thing of doing that to you

Willow: yes it does... wait is that a metal hand? What happened to your real hand?

Yes it is a metal hand, I lost it during a mission a grim got the best of me (I should not really have to explain why he wouldn't say that he was betrayed by raven)

Willow: well that's just terrible

Yeah it was
*looks over to the stroller*
Awwweee she looks so cute how old is she?

Willow: a couple of months old now

Wait that would align when I..

Willow: yes she's yours, i just didn't tell you because I didn't have your scroll number and that you are a huntsmen who lives a dangerous life your hand is evidence of that, I also didn't want my husband to get rid of my child

I don't think a person could be that evil

Willow: trust me he can be evil very evil

What's her name then?

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