Chapter 21

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I finally made my way to vale and see a vast amount of grim inside the city; gratefully I see people being evacuated by huntresses and huntsmen while they are fighting the grim I decide to drop in and cut the head clean off of a large snake grim I look over to my left once I land and see one of my students jaune arc

Hello mr arc I hope you have learned from my class and improved your tactics against the Grimm

Jaune: yes sir I have I just dealt with an rusa before you arrived

Well I'll leave you to it then

I leave Jaune and start to massacre grim again I left a trail of death in my wake pushing the grim back into the hole they came from slowly but steadily I eventually see team RWBY

Yang! How many grim are left around here?

Yang: well there isn't many with everyone killing so many I think there will be stragglers, but we will have to deal with that later once we push the remaining back into the breach

Spoken like a true huntress yang

Yang: thanks uncle y/n

No problem, let's focus back on culling these grim
Yang: let's

With all of our combined effort we push the grim back into the hole and Glynda seals the hole with her semblance; which is a very useful one at that I'm kind of jealous at its many uses, do you think she uses it to like to get a snack while watching tv if she is too comfy to get up? I know I would personally

Ruby and Yang wave their hands in front of my face and calling my name

Ruby: uncle y/n?

Huh, yeah, what?

Ruby: were you just staring at ms. Goodwitch?

No no I saw her semblance and I was thinking about how she could use it besides huntress work; like maybe getting a snack from the kitchen while still on the couch

Yang: that does sound kind of nice

See? That's what I'm saying

Weiss: why do you act like you are our age?

Well I'm still a child at heart Weiss

Weiss: so you are child enough to joke around like one but mature enough to have a child?

Woah woah woah that came out of nowhere Weiss, are you sure you don't have any negative feelings for me?

Weiss: I'm sure I was just joking dad

Well I'm glad you picked up some of my humor when I trained you

Weiss: you were a little bit funny at times

At times? I think you mean at all times

Weiss rolls her eyes
Weiss: of course dad that's what I definitely meant

We all make our way towards the perimeter and make sure to kill any stragglers and decide to return to beacon after we are riding on a bulkhead with team JNPR as well

Alright kids you all did great today real huntsmen and huntress stuff I'm proud to call all of you my students

Pyrrha: thank you sir

Yang: I didn't know the black reaper had a soft side

Yeah yeah Yang go ahead and joke all you want I'm going to bed once we get back

Ruby: bed? It's only like 7 pm are you sure you aren't getting super old uncle y/n?

Oh hardy har har I bet you both think you are the jokesters of the century

Yang: I would like to think so yes

Jaune: I still find it crazy to believe that ruby and Yang are related to the black reaper
Pyrrha: I guess it might be a little surprising, but I do see the similarities between ruby and mr. Rose
Ren: have any of you seen the similarities between mr. Rose and Weiss? I think there might be a relation between the two as well
Jaune: I was thinking the same think ren maybe we should ask team RWBY later?
Pyrrha: that would probably be the best option
Jaune: then it's settled

We eventually make our way back to beacon and like I said I take a shower and go straight to bed because I am tired and worn out; maybe Yang and ruby are right I might be getting old

The next day I wake up and see a message from Yang asking to speak with me so I tell her to meet me in my classroom so we can talk about it she eventually makes her way in and starts talking to me

Yang: uncle y/n I have some questions about some things

Ok ask away

Yang: ok well before the breach we were on our mission and I was about to be defeated by someone and someone came and deflected the hit and teleported away, I think it may have been raven

Could you describe how she looked to make sure?

Yang: she had a red katana and was wearing red armor and black clothes and had long black hair

I believe you are correct that most likely was raven; she works in mysterious ways I still can't forgive out why she did some things that she did if I am being honest the best person to ask this to would be your uncle qrow

Yang: I would do that but he isn't here as of now and you are the best I got

I know, what do you want to know then?

Yang: what was she like? Why did she leave? Why did she save me?

Well raven was a kind and caring person once you got past her hard exterior she did everything in her power to help the people she cared for even when it hurt her, I honestly don't know what she left completely but I know she must have had a good reason or she wouldn't have left; she loved you a lot Yang probably more than you know if I am honest, and the last thing my guess is probably that you are her daughter and she cares for you just like I am with Weiss but more mysterious and more creepy

Yang: thank you uncle y/n I'm going to go back to my dorm now, love you

Love you too kid stay safe

Yang: I will
She leaves my classroom

Raven you can come down now
Raven fly down from the rafters and turns into a human
Raven: how long have you known I was up there?

Well when I saw a black feather fall it could only mean two things you or qrow and qrow is in anima as of now

Raven: clever as always

Do you look out for her raven? Do you care for your daughter?

Raven: more than you will ever know

Then why don't you talk to her, see her, at least hug her

Raven: because knowing me would only harm her

Would it really?

Raven: yes, yes it would goodbye y/n

Raven turns into a bird and flys out the window

Bye raven

End of chapter 21

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