Chapter 13

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I have helped train winter and Weiss for the last 4 months and I must say I am proud they have improved greatly under my lead; I don't mean to brag buuuuuuutt they did learn from the best

I decided to go back to patch and see family since I haven't been back since I began training winter and Weiss so I am quite ready to see my nieces again

Time skip to patch
I knock on the door and ruby answers
Ruby: uncle y/n!

How have you been kid?
Ruby: great
We hug for a short moment
I missed you you goofball
Ruby: I missed you too uncle y/n I haven't seen you in forever

I know I'm sorry I was training some people

Ruby: dad Yang come here uncle y/n is here

Yang rushes over and gives me a tight hug
Yang: uncle y/n we've missed you soooooo much where have you been?

Well I have been helping train some students in fighting

Yang: that's coincidental we were just going to call and ask for you to train ruby with a scythe since she wants to be a scythe wielder like you and uncle qrow

Hmmmm I don't know
Ruby: please please please please uncle y/n come on come on come on please I'll be the bestest student ever please I'll do anything

Anything you say? Get a hair from your sisters head
Yang gives me and ruby a death stare
Ruby: anything but that

I'm just messing ruby I would be glad to help you learn how to wield a scythe; I don't mean to toot my own horn, buuuutt I'm like the best ever and don't feel bad if you are not as good as me

Ruby: ok uncle y/n don't stroke your ego so much

Yang: yeah you are sounding like uncle qrow

I'm so offended by that statement; you know what no training for ruby then

Ruby: wait wait wait! I didn't say that it was Yang not me I didn't say that please don't leave I need someone to teach me

I'm just messing kid

Ruby: stop doing that

No promises ruby

Finally tai walks in
Tai: y/n is that you?
In the flesh old man
Tai: hey I'm only like a couple of months older than you

Ok, and you are super old
I quietly whisper to ruby if you want me to teach you you have to agree with me

Ruby: uh uh un yeah your old and smelly dad

Good one ruby
Tai: my kids need to stop hanging around you; your a bad influence you know that?

Hey come on tai I'm only messing; plus your youngest asked me to teach her how to wield a scythe and me being the best uncle ever I accepted to be her teacher

Tai: that's great! Does that mean you are going to be a huntress ruby?

Ruby: yes I want to be just like uncle y/n and mom
Tai: wow and not like me? I'm hurt
Ruby: wait wait I didn't mean it like that dad i love you
Tai: I know ruby I love you too, you are just too easy to do that to
Ruby: both you and uncle y/n are like this, why?

Well when you spend for years constantly around someone you tend to pick up their humor or blend it with yours

Yang: so who's humor is the one the other morphed to? Or was it a blend of two?

It was definitely mine, since I'm like so cool waaaayy cooler than your dad for sure

Tai: uh huh sure y/n you want to explain how you tripped and face planted right into the ground in combat class

Hey hey hey I swear that was the guys semblance, I only ever tripped when he was around
Tai: suuuure I think you are making excuses

Whatever I don't have to listen to your crazy

Tai; crazy? Who you calling crazy? You went and got a sc—

Tai you want to finish that statement?

Tai: uh no sorry I'll be quiet
Yang: wait what were you going to say?

Nothing he was going to say nothing

Ruby: o-k then how about we start by making my weapon uncle y/n

Of course little rosebud let's get you a scythe that you would be proud to call your own

Ruby: yay!!
Me and ruby walk to get to a bulkhead to go to a blacksmith

Yang: what were you going to say dad?
Tai: it's not my secret to tell I'm afraid, that its something that you would have to ask uncle y/n
Yang: why? What did he do?
Tai: like I said I can't say
Yang: wow that's so helpful
Tai: sorry kiddo

Back to y/n and ruby we finally make it to a blacksmith capable of helping us make a scythe for ruby
So what did you have in mind for your scythe?
Ruby: I was thinking just like yours but maybe without the sword configuration

Are you trying to be like me? Or are you trying to upstage your old uncle?
Ruby: no no it's nothing like that I just look up to you and I mean you are like the best around uncle y/n I want to be just like you

Awww ruby that means a lot to me kid
Ruby: well you're a good huntsmen
Well why don't we get to assembling it then we can use my old blueprints they're saved on my scroll
I walk up to the blacksmith
Blacksmith: hello! What can i help you with today?

Me and my niece her were wondering if you could make this scythe without the sword configuration?

Blacksmith: yes.. wait a minute you're the black reaper I would be honored to make a weapon for you

Well thank you, but it's for my niece here she wants to be a huntress just like her uncle

Blacksmith: well im sure she will be a great huntress and save many people

Ruby: thank you

Blacksmith: of course if you're anything like your uncle than you will be an amazing huntress that will leave the world better than you found it

Ruby: thank you that really means alot

Well we will be back in a week, could you possibly have it done by then?

Blacksmith: you kidding? I could have a weapon for the family of the black reaper done in less than a day

Ok how about a day than? I don't want to rush you sir

Blacksmith: please it would be my pleasure

Well ok then, we will be back to pick up the weapon tomorrow and here is the payment

Blacksmith: no no I won't accept payment from you

Well I think we are at an impasse because I'm not leaving without paying

Blacksmith: sir I insist

Well I insist harder that you take the payment

Blacksmith: ok ok could I at least give you a discount

Please don't, I don't want special treatment

Blacksmith: please at least let me do something for you

You already are you are making the weapon for me

Blacksmith: I guess that's true, how about a 15 percent discount that's the lowest I'll go

Ok, but I plan on leaving a high tip and you can't stop me

Blacksmith: touché

Ruby: have a great day sir
Blacksmith: you too young lady

Time skip next day

Me and ruby went to pick up the weapon and returned home, I ended up tipping him so much that I paid for two weapons

Ok ruby since we have your scythe we can start your training to becoming a huntress

End of chapter 13

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