Chapter two

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Chapter two takes place a month and a half after the first one

Me and team STRQ are inside the forest next to beacon academy for an assignment from a teacher something about tree sap or something

Raven: so summer why exactly are we out here?
Summer: we are out here because one of our professors asked for some tree sap and since I'm such a nice person I volunteered our team to get the sap
Qrow: well thanks a lot I could have been sleeping right now
Raven: qrow it's almost 2 pm
Qrow: ok and? I'm a very tired man I like the amount of time I'm sleeping to be longer than I'm awake for in a day
Summer: I somewhat agree with that, but spending time with your friends is much more important than sleeping right y/n

I agree, the people you care for a more important than anything and sacrificing a couple hours of sleep is worth it
Qrow: I disagree sleep is the most important thing there is or maybe it is Al—

A giant Ursula comes into view so me being me I charge at it directly with my weapon in scythe form and climb and try to hang on while I get my weapon into position to eliminate the Ursula while that happens it try's to paw me off , but since I'm on its back and it's limited reach it is unsuccessful and that's when I use the blade almost as a reverse guillotine severing the head from the body
Raven: well done y/n very efficient
Qrow: wow, that's the first compliment you have given out in beacon no less to y/n himself, are you going soft on me?
Raven: shut it qrow I was complementing y/n on his skill with dispatching that Ursula
Qrow: hmmmmm ok then
Tai: thanks y/n for dealing with the Grimm

Yeah no problem it wasn't much

Summer: yeah, but that looked so cool
Raven: the acrobatics were quite impressive even when the Ursula almost pawed you off you stayed on
Qrow: there she goes complimenting again I think you might have a little something for our little klutz here
Raven: I simply do not
*qrow faintly while walking back to the bulkhead*
Qrow: Raven and y/n sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g first comes lov—
*tai punches him on his arm*
Qrow: Owww man I was only teasing
Tai: well if you look at your sister she was a second away from committing a murder
*raven discreetly puts her blade back into its sheathe and whistles innocently*
*everyone gets back in to bulkhead and arrives back at beacon*

Summer: well that was great guys, hopefully we get some extra credit for that
Tai: with that professor? No way we will be lucky to get a thank you
Summer: well it still feels good to do good deeds
Qrow: well not for me since Tai hit me pretty hard in the arm

Next day
Me and team STRQ are about to leave combat class, today I fought another student who was easily twice my size, but with my wit and speed I was able to defeat him, I used my speed to my advantage to outmaneuver him causing his defeat
After class
Me and summer decided to go to vale to spend some time bonding
Summer: hey y/n what you did to that guy back in class was really cool you gotta teach me some of those moves

Well thanks, and definitely training has helped me immensely in the last year remember two years ago when I fought that one guy with that green duster coat?
Summer: yeah that was brutal I don't think you even got a good hit in
*making our way to the bakery
Summer I don't think this is a good idea, remember last time you ate too many cookies?
Summer: I don't know what you are talking about

You literally were in a coma for a week from so many cookies
Summer: and? That was the best time ever

Not for mom and dad they were so stressed that their baby girl was in a coma
Summer: ok you may have a point... maybe no cookies today
*we continue walking down the street
As we are walking we spot raven carrying a drunk qrow from a bar
Summer: hey raven why is your brother passed out?
Raven: my idiot brother over indulged and blacked out

Very unfortunate do you want me to carry him for you?
Raven: sure, thanks y/n

No problem that's what friends are for
Raven: huh

Raven: just haven't really had that many friends
Summer: awwwwwweee that was soooo cute guys I think you two would be perfect

I don't think that is a good idea
Summer: why?

Firstly we are a team, secondly having any relationship as a huntsmen is very risky
Raven: he has a point

At least someone gets that thanks raven for seeing my point
Raven: yup

End of chapter 3

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