Chapter 25

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oobleck: we have a challenger! Please make your way towards the arena

I finally see the person and it turns out it's qrow

Qrow what are you doing?

Qrow: well I'm challenging the black reaper that's what I'm doing

Ok but why

Qrow: I thought it would be fun

Well I hope it is qrow

Oobleck: 3....2......1 BEGIN!

Qrow rushes me and goes for a wide slash with his weapon in the sword form I block with my weapon in the scythe form and use the hook to pull the sword from his hands and cause him to stumble

Getting rusty there?

Qrow: shut up I haven't had my drink yet

Wow 4 pm is that a new record

Qrow: I think it might actually be

Wow you really need to pull back on alcohol

Qrow: I decide what I'm going to do

Qrow rushes again but has his weapon in the scythe form and we trade blows back and forth I decide to use something from rubys play book to use the rifle config to propel my scythe forward surprising qrow and hitting him with the blunt side pretty hard right in his chest knocking him down and knocking the wind out of him he quickly recovers and rushes in again trying to find an opening he eventually finds one and locks my scythe with his causing a sort of pseudo arm wrestle and it's a stalemate I decide to knock my scythe loose and slash his chest causing his aura to lower he slides back to avoid another blow I swung hard on the reach and caused me to overextend leaving an opening for qrow he takes it and slashes my side and back causing me to use my semblance to make space and I turn my scythe around and use the front for the rifle to shoot at qrow he dodged most of them besides one which knocked him in his wrist causing him to drop his weapon in surprise I rush with my semblance and wrap my scythe around his neck

Do you yield?

Qrow: yeah yeah I yield

I change my weapon into its portable position and put it back on my back I pick him up and give him a bro hug

You did good qrow

Qrow: I might be a little rusty y/n

I think you are

Oobleck: and we have our winner THE BLACK REAPER
*the crowd goes wild*

Oobleck: now there will be a 2 hour break before the single rounds officially begin please take this time to become situated 

Me and qrow exit the arena to be meet with ruby, yang, and Weiss

Weiss: I knew you would eventually be put in your place

Qrow: hey now is that anyway to talk to your uncle

Weiss: wait a minute how do you know about that?

He figured it out so I told him the full story

Weiss: that makes sense

Ruby: uncle y/n that was so cool when you used your rifle to hit uncle qrow

Well I took that trick out of your book ruby

Ruby: you mean uncle y/n learned from me?

Yes it does

Ruby: does that mean I become the new professor?

No not really

Ruby: awweee

Yang: you'll get there one day sis

Ruby: I hope so yang I want to be as cool as uncle y/n

Qrow: hey I'm right here

Ruby: uh uh uh and uncle qrow too he's pretty cool

Qrow: nice save ruby

Ruby: thanks

So weiss what do you think of your dads moves?

Weiss: I think they are less refined for someone who has so many legends about them

Yang: ohhh burn

Weiss: but I think you make them look elegant

Awe thank kiddo I appreciate the compliment, how about we all go get some food before the single rounds begin?

Ruby: I say we do that
Weiss: I agree
Qrow: whatever
Yang: sure

We make our way to the fairgrounds for a quick place to eat some food; we eventually find a tiny shack serving food from the vacuo region

Ruby: is this what people in vacuo really eat? Bleah

Well yes it's more of an acquired taste, you'll get used to it if you become a full fledged huntress roaming remnant you'll eventually roam other kingdoms and vacuo is one of those

Qrow: I agree, but I still don't like the food either

Qrow how can you taste? I thought your tastebuds were burnt out from all the drinking

Qrow: oh ha ha very funny NOT

Weiss: I thought it was funny

Yang: of course you would Weiss you don't like uncle qrow

Weiss: I don't dislike him; we just had a bad introduction to each other

Why don't you two start over

Weiss: ok! Hey uncle qrow nice to meet you!

Qrow: that feels weird to hear coming from Weiss

Ruby: I agree it does sound weird

Weiss: well, what else am I supposed to call him?

Qrow: it's fine I'll get used to it, it just sounds weird coming from you no offense

Weiss: I think none taken

Yang: well I'm full, could we play some games?

Ruby: yeah I'm bored

Ok ok let's go

I pay for the meal and we make our way towards the games, qrow decides to leave and go drink

An hour goes by while playing games I check the time

Hey girls I'm sorry to say this but I have to go back to the arena to get ready for the single rounds, and you need to get ready too yang

Yang: I know I'm just nervous

Hey don't be you are a great fighter, I bet you'll win the tournament this year

Yang: you think?

I know team RWBY is a force to reckoned with

Ruby: you hear that guys? Uncle y/n called us good

Yes I did and I meant it, just don't let it go to your heads

Ruby: too late it already has, I'm the coolest huntress in training ever

Ok ruby, well I have to go kids see you three later

Girls: bye

End of chapter 25

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