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Art By Beep Boop on Tumblr (I get the images from Pinterest, and it said it's from an "article on Tumblr" so I assume it's from Tumblr but could be wrong.)

Most of the story will be in Y/n's POV so if it doesn't state it at the start of the chapter, it's Y/n, otherwise, I'll say who's POV it's in


Shane POV

I wake up to find myself in bed and there's a glass of water on the bedside cabinet as well as some paracetamol.

Aunt Marnie doesn't usually do this? What's up with her?

I feel my head start ti hurt really badly as I start to vaguely remember parts of the night.

Like drinking constantly... and.... Y/n... giving me pizza. Attempting to sober me up?

Why would they do that? Fuck knows..

I shut off my blaring alarm and slowly sit up.

"My head" I groan as I pop the pills and swallow them with a mouthful of water.

"Shane?" I hear Aunt Marnie say through my door.

"What?!" I snap.

"You better say thanks to Y/n! They carried you home after you passed out!"

Oh yeah... I don't actually remember making it home last night. But normally it's Emily or Gus that carries me home. What person would take a strange home after they passed out?

That Y/n is one weird person.

"Fine" I groan and get out of bed.

I put on some deodorant and head off to work. As usual.

I get into work and Sam is mopping up at the back of the shop floor.

"Yet another hangover Shane?" He asks.

"Yeah yeah. Let me get the day over with so I can leave this stupid place" I snap back and take some stock to the shelves.


I wake up at around 11am and climb out of bed. I turn on the TV while I make myself a small breakfast.

"The spirits are feeling neutral today" the fortune teller says, "The day is in your hands"

And then I flick the channel to the weather.

"Tomorrow it's gonna rain" the weatherman says.

I roll my eyes wishing there were better channels here. Like Cartoon Network or something. I don't know.

I get out of my chair and head to my parsnips and water them. I read any post I have and apparently Willy is back... whoever he is.

I decide to head to the beach to go meet him and he's on the deck, smoking a pipe.

He explains to me about the fishing scene being practically dead now and it would be nice for people to go fishing more often. So I decide why not. Help a fellow townsperson in need.

He gives me his old fishing rod and gets back to smiling his pipe.

I go to the edge of the dock and cast the line.

"And now yeh wait" Willy says smiling a little at me attempting to fish.

I wait not much more than 10 minutes and then I feel a small but sharp tug on the rod.

"Reel it in!" Willy says excitedly.

So I pull on the rod and turn the spinny thing before I finally pull up a fish.

"Aye, yeh caught a sardine! Nice work kiddo!" Willy pats me on the back, "Bet one day you could be better than me!" He smiles and then says "come in ter my shop anytime to buy yerself new rods and such. And I hope ye can bring the fishing scene back ter life again" he smiles and heads into the nearby building, I assume it's his shop.

I keep fishing for a few hours. Catching some fish, some trash and seaweed. I decide to head home. Today has tired me out. But I'm gonna get strong hauling in fish if I keep this up. Some of those fish put on good fights.

Passing Gus' saloon I see Shane, plodding along to the Saloon.

"Oh, hey Shane! How are you feeling today?" I ask.

He tuts at me and says "Don't you have work to do? Leave me alone!"

"Jeez. I was just wondering if you were okay after last night." I say.

"I said leave me alone... fucking hell" he says.

"Fine.. fine. But I hope you're okay" I say before turning to go to my farm.

"Oh. And Aunt Marnie told me to thank you..." he mutters before heading into the saloon.

I guess I'll take that.

I head back to my farm and then throw the few fish, into the shipping bin and go to bed.


Shane: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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