"Horse Show" (NM X Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Water bucket is by the trailer." Narcissa stepped up beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist and placing a chaste kiss on my forehead.

"Awesome. Thanks love."

"That's a pretty little bay entering the ring." She mentioned, nodding towards the pair strolling around the judge's box.

"Yeah it is. Cute little roan pony just finished up too. Had a little 10 or 11 year old rider bouncing around on its back." I chuckled, pointing out the duo heading back up towards the trailers.

"I hate I missed seeing you when you were her age. I bet you looked just as cute in your little miniature show coat with your tiny pony."

"Oh I was much cuter because I was doing pony hunters at that point. We had to wear the little hair ribbons in our braids and Choco was just the cutest little hunter pony there was. We won based on cuteness alone I swear."

Narcissa and I both laughed at the memory, watching as the little girl bounded up to her mother and trainer who looked oh so proud of her. They seemed to be finishing up the training level tests with only a handful of young horses and little riders left in the warm up arena. The judges would take a lunch break at 11:30 and first level would begin at 12, giving me about an hour left before I needed to be up on Atlas.

There were quite a few people doing first level tests today, particularly first 1 which was what we were doing also. I had a feeling the majority were doing the same as I and preparing for the upcoming show season with a nice, easy ride to get into it.

Being as it was late May it was still pretty chilly, a sharp wind whipping past me every so often and sending a chill down my spine. The sun was out which helped, although not a whole lot, and I cuddled up to my girlfriend as we watched the remaining training level tests, pointing out horses we liked or how well someone was performing.

The judges ending up breaking for lunch at 11:40 being as they were running a bit behind, and once the arenas had cleared aside from the 12:00 ride warming up, we decided to head back to the trailer to wait. Atlas was unhappy about being taken away from the sweet grass, the lushness of summer fields already coming in, but he finally obliged, following along behind his humans with a petulant sigh.

Tying the animal back up Narcissa and I took a seat outside the truck to eat our own lunch. We always packed a cooler full of drinks, snacks, and sandwiches when we went showing, including a few apples for Atlas of course.

"Turkey, ham, or peanut butter and jelly?" I asked the other woman, digging through the cooler to figure out what I myself wanted.

"Turkey. Plain chips. Water."

I handed over the requested items before taking my own lunch, both of us tucking into the cold sandwiches and half frozen drinks. At 12 I would take Atlas up to the round pen to lunge and get any excess nerves and energy out before I had to get on his back and I was still planning to be up by 12:15 to warm up.

"You know your test?" Narcissa asked, chewing the last of her sandwhich.

"Would we be here if I didn't?" I chided, smirking as she rolled her eyes at me.

"What kind of score are you hoping for today?"

"Uhh, with it being the first show of the season, but also an easy test, I'd like to get a 65 or higher. I really think we'll pull at least a 70 knowing who the judge is but quite honestly I'll be happy so long as he doesn't buck me over the fence today."

"That sounds very reasonable. He seems pretty relaxed and focused today so I think you'll both do fine. Just don't track the wrong way at C again."

"It was one bloody time! And literally the second time I had ridden the test!"

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