Chapter 62

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"Victoria!" Harry exclaimed in exasperation.

She ignored him, happily splashing more water.

Harry sat back on his heels in resignation. At least he'd managed to get her clean. He'd even got her hair washed. He looked down at himself. He might not be clean, but he was certainly wet enough.

"You look like you were in the tub with her," Draco drawled.

Glancing over his shoulder, he sneered at Draco, who was casually leaning against the doorframe.

"You knew this would happen," he retorted. "You're the one who bought her the new –," he waved his hand expansively over the tub, "– whatever this bloody thing is that sprays water everywhere."

"It's called a whale," Draco supplied helpfully.

"I know it's a whale," Harry said, wishing Draco was close enough so he could smack him. "But I have a hard time calling this thing a toy. Toys aren't this real. They don't spray water at random moments because they're coming to the surface to breathe!"

"It is not my fault that you are poorly educated in the matter of magical toys," Draco said.

"Victoria, I think your daddy should come over here so we can educate him in the matter of whales," Harry said conversationally.

"Fis!" Victoria said proudly, lifting the toy out of the water, just in time for it to spray more water over Harry. Harry spluttered. Victoria giggled. Draco doubled over with laughter from the safety of the doorway.

"All right, you're done," Harry declared. "With both the fish and the bath."

He got Victoria out of the tub and wrapped her in a fluffy towel before plopping her into Draco's arms. "You can get her dressed. I quit."

He could hear Draco's sniggers all the way up the stairs. Drying off and changing into pyjama pants, he headed back downstairs to the nursery where it was his turn to lean against the doorframe. Draco was rocking Victoria as he read to her. She was almost asleep and it wasn't long before Draco was laying her in her cot.

"She went to sleep extra fast tonight," Harry observed.

Draco shrugged. "She had a busy day," he said, tucking her in. "I think she had a nice birthday, though, even if it was a day early."

Harry snorted softly. "She's certainly got enough new toys and clothes to last her for the next year," he said.

"And it appears she likes her new bath toys," Draco said innocently.

"You will teach me the charm to turn the bloody thing off," Harry retorted. "I'm certain you know it."

"Maybe," Draco said, smirking. It was a direct admission as far as Harry was concerned, but he was sidetracked by a different thought.

"Do you think she'll have trouble adjusting to being at Hogwarts?" he asked, looking at her sleeping peacefully. "This is our last night here, after all."

"I think she'll be fine," Draco said. "She adjusted well enough from your relatives' house to here, didn't she?"

Harry blinked, trying to remember. It felt like an entire lifetime had passed since then and he'd been so busy that it was all rather a blur now.

"She'll be fine, Harry," Draco reassured when he didn't say anything. "We're going to be the ones having trouble adjusting," he added ruefully.

Sighing, Harry could only agree.

"No depressing thoughts," Draco ordered. "I can hear them forming in your head."

"You can hear them?" Harry questioned, arching a brow.

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