Chapter 51

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Wrapped securely in his Invisibility Cloak, Harry clutched Severus' arm tightly and they were gone. He couldn't completely suppress the shudder that passed through his body as they landed, the taste of Pain-Relieving Potion still in his mouth. The sharp pain in his forehead let him know Voldemort was close. Severe cold chilled him, letting him know the Dementors were nearby, although he couldn't see them. He turned toward the source of the pain and saw many of the Death Eaters already taking their places before Voldemort.

Severus had immediately slipped away from Harry to speak with Voldemort, avoiding suspicion until it was time. Voldemort would be giving him a Portkey that would allow him to go back to Hogwarts and return with a force of Aurors Polyjuiced to look like the Slytherins that he was expected to bring for initiation.

Lucius was on the ground and transformed under the cloak before Harry had even got his bearings.

"There," Lucius said urgently, pointing. "In that group of trees."

"Been here before?" Harry muttered, already moving in the direction he'd indicated.

"Yes," Lucius said. "We're on Malfoy property."

Harry absolutely refused to dwell on that, even if he'd had the time to do so. They'd had no idea where Voldemort would choose to hold his initiation ceremony beforehand, and had actually been hoping that Lucius would be familiar with the location.

They needed to work fast, but Harry was struggling hard to suppress his shudders. He was cursing the fact that Voldemort had decided to introduce the Dementors as part of his forces at this initiation. After his losses the week before, it made sense for him to finally make use of them, but it was still pissing Harry off.

It reinforced the fact that Harry needed to face him now, before the situation got any worse. Voldemort was getting bolder, upping the ante with each confrontation and bringing the Dementors into play simply emphasized the fact that he was gaining strength, despite his losses.

They reached the copse of trees Lucius had indicated. They would need to work quietly, but they were distant enough and out of sight. Harry swiftly resized the Vanishing Cabinet. Draco stepped through almost immediately, Narcissa right behind him.

Harry saw Draco mouth the word home in surprise. The Malfoys clearly knew their property, because Harry had seen no sign of the Manor itself. Harry shook his head, trying to clear it. It wasn't really important where they were located, as long as everyone could get there.

Fred and Ginny came through the Vanishing Cabinet, followed by Blaise and George. With bare whispers and hand gestures, Lucius was indicating where they should position themselves on either side of Voldemort's gathering. They would be paired under Moody's Invisibility Cloaks, not charmed as well as Harry's, but Fred and George had been working diligently and they at least masked scent and sound.

The two duos were armed with product, prepared to unleash havoc the Death Eaters would be unable to counter. Ginny and Blaise would assist but more than anything else they would be extra eyes for Fred and George. Harry had learned how important that could be.

Ron, Hermione and Neville came through, looking determined. Hermione cast Disillusionment Charms as Ron swished Harry's other cloak around the three of them. Harry felt odd that it was Neville instead of himself squishing with the other two under the folds of the cloak. They wouldn't have to stay hidden for long. They would provide backup for Harry and the Malfoys, and mainly needed the cloak to get into position behind Voldemort. Their strong Patronuses would be providing much needed protection.

Harry desperately wished they could cast their Patronuses now. He didn't care how good Severus' potion was; he was still feeling the cold seeping into his bones and depressing thoughts that were far from encouraging. He shifted from foot to foot, anxious to get moving.

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