Chapter 55

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Hermione and Ron exchanged glances, both of them suddenly looking extremely tense.

"What's up?" Harry asked warily.

"You've not told anyone about the Horcruxes, right?" Hermione asked.

"I've told you I haven't," Harry said.

"But they obviously know something about them," Ron said quickly. "Fred, George, Ginny, and Lupin were with us when we retrieved the cup. You've said Malfoy was there as well. And Lucius Malfoy retrieved the locket."

"They've known I was retrieving relics of Voldemort's, but they've no idea that they were Horcruxes," Harry said. "Severus told me to keep it secret."

"Severus," Ron muttered. "Not sure I'll ever get used to hearing you call him that."

Hermione shot a glare at Ron. "That's not important right now," she said. "Harry, how could Snape tell you to keep it a secret if he didn't even know what the secret was?"

Harry shrugged. "He knew Dumbledore gave me the task, knew it involved something extremely Dark, and told me not to say anymore about it," he said. "I got into a big fight, well, not a fight exactly, but I got into it with Draco. He's finally accepted that I'm not going to tell him any more about them. He knows too much as it is."

Ron and Hermione looked relieved. "There's too much risk if this information gets out," she said.

"Agreed," Harry said.

"We think you should destroy the diary and all the notes," Ron said abruptly.

"Do you think so?" Harry asked. "I'd been thinking about it," he admitted. "I just didn't want to do it before Voldemort was actually gone."

"He's gone now," Hermione said. "So I think it's safe to get rid of it. In fact, I think we're in more danger if we don't get rid of it."

She exchanged a loaded glance with Ron.

"What is it?" Harry asked, eyeing the two of them.

Hermione sucked in a deep breath and let it out again slowly. "We've talked about it a lot," she said. "And . . . we think you should Obliviate us."

Harry reared back in shock. "What?!"

The chair he was sitting in tilted back too far for him to regain his balance and he went crashing to the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. Her expression of worry didn't lessen as Harry simply lay there, trying to figure out why his friends would want him to modify their memories.

"Get up," Ron muttered, hauling Harry to his feet. "Malfoy's glaring at us enough as it is."

Harry glanced at Draco, but simply waved a hand dismissively to indicate that he was all right. He didn't have the concentration to reassure Draco at the moment.

"Why would you want me to Obliviate you?" he demanded.

"Harry, sit down," Hermione said nervously. "Just hear us out."

"I reckon we should be thankful you're so opposed," Ron said.

"Of course I'm opposed to the idea," Harry said indignantly, but he righted his chair and sat down again. "Why the bloody hell would I want to Obliviate you? Why would you want me to?"

He couldn't fathom what they were thinking.

"Harry, it's dangerous to know about the Horcruxes," Hermione explained. "We needed to know and you needed the help, but now . . . it's over. I want it to stay over. We need to destroy everything we possibly can to help prevent something like this from happening again."

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