Chapter 17

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Draco slipped into the Apothecary with Harry, in between the twins. Digging the list out of his pocket, Harry grabbed a basket and started loading it up with ingredients. The shopkeeper, and any customers, thought twice about coming in Harry's direction with Fred and George making a loud commotion. The twins left Harry to do his business, chatting loudly over whatever struck their fancy.

For his part, Harry could feel Draco sticking close to him. He couldn't directly see or hear Draco, but several items from the shelves seemed to float into Harry's basket. A couple items floated out of his basket as well, and he took another look at his list, trying to figure out where he'd messed up.

Eventually, Harry was pretty sure he had everything and muttered that to himself. He felt Draco tugging on his arm, leading him to a different shelf in the far corner of the room. Harry stared at it blankly. He had no idea what Draco wanted him to get. Fred and George had followed and created a human shield between Harry and the shopkeeper, who was far too close in Harry's opinion.

Several items were quickly floated from the shelf to Harry's basket. Too quick for him to get any idea what they were. He again muttered to himself about having everything and this time felt his shoulder squeezed. Taking that as a yes, he finally made his way to the front counter to pay for it all.

"I hate that place," Harry muttered once they were outside again.

"You volunteered for this job," Fred said cheerfully.

"Don't remind me," Harry grumbled.

As they were walking back down the street, Harry felt a sharp tugging on his arm. "Hey, I want to go in here," he said quickly, interrupting Fred mid-sentence and not even knowing where "in here" was.

Fred and George quickly followed Harry's lead and they slipped into the closest shop. Stepping inside, Harry realized they were in the Magical Menagerie.

"So, what are we interested in?" George questioned cheerfully, even as he watched Harry being carefully turned to face the front window. They watched as two men ambled past. Harry made a move as if to go out the door again, but was jerked backwards.

Scowling, Harry answered George. "I reckon I'm interested in something in here," he said.

"Sounds like a safe bet," Fred agreed, grinning.

Fred and George fed some inane story to the lady at the counter, and Harry idly looked around. He would've rather have followed whoever it was that Draco had hidden them from, even though he knew it wasn't the smartest idea.

He thought about asking about treats for Fawkes, but decided against it. He didn't think it was a good idea to announce that he had Dumbledore's phoenix. Instead, he checked out all the strange creatures.

He felt a sharp tugging on his arm again, and was seriously starting to get annoyed about it. He allowed himself to be led anyways, and ended up halting in front of a tank with snakes. He rolled his eyes. Of course Draco would be interested in the bloody snakes.

He felt a pinch on his arm. "Bloody hell," Harry muttered.

"Problem, Harry?" Fred asked innocently.

"Yes," Harry said irritably. "It seems I'm interested in the snakes."

Fred started sniggering and Harry glared at him.

"What's so interesting about these snakes?" George asked curiously, coming up behind him.

Harry finally took a real look at them, and suddenly understood why he'd been dragged over. He took a step closer.

"Blimey, Harry! Those are some colorful snakes," George exclaimed, staring at the snakes in amazement.

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