Chapter 33

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Harry asked the twins to load the pockets of the cloak before disappearing into their bedroom again.

"Are you ready for this?" Severus asked, watching Harry closely.

"As I'll ever be," Harry answered.

Severus pulled out the stunned rat, and Harry was sure that he was ready. With a sour taste in his mouth, he eyed the rat he'd known as Scabbers for so long. He watched warily as Severus said the incantation to transform him back to his human form, bound him and then revived him.

Pettigrew searched his surroundings wildly. "Where am I? Remus? Harry?" he questioned in astonished disbelief.

He would never know that it was actually Severus. Severus had told Harry earlier that Remus was extremely satisfied that Pettigrew would think that it was him helping to lead him to his punishment.

"You're finally going to be punished, Pettigrew," Harry spat angrily.

"P-p-punished?" Pettigrew stuttered fearfully.

"You're going to Azkaban where you deserved to be many, many years ago," Harry said coldly.

"No! You can't! I'll die there. You didn't want me to die, Harry," Pettigrew said, trying to appeal to him.

"What I said is that we'd hand you over to the Dementors," Harry corrected, watching with satisfaction as Pettigrew's eyes widened as he obviously remembered.

"Remus, you won't let this happen," Pettigrew said, trying to appeal to him instead.

Severus grimaced in disgust. "I am not about to save your worthless hide," he said. "Harry, let's get this done."

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath.

"What are you going to do?" Pettigrew asked fearfully, visibly cowering, even within his bindings.

"I saved your life that day three years ago," Harry said fiercely. "Because of that, you owe me a life debt that I intend to collect on now. You will soon find yourself magically bound to follow my command . . . that will ultimately lead to your death."

"I-imperius?" Pettigrew managed to ask.

"No, but it's close enough," Harry admitted. "It'll essentially act in the same way."

"You will be bound by the magic, Peter," Severus said coldly. "Unlike Imperius, no one will be able to detect the use of an Unforgivable. This magic is much older, and no one would interfere." Severus' smile was feral. "Not that anyone will know, of course. You are going to be giving up your life for the side that you turned your back on so many years ago."

"Your death is not just punishment," Harry explained to the confused and scared Pettigrew. "I need Lucius Malfoy's help, and you're going to give him to me."

"L-like Crouch?" Pettigrew questioned in disbelief.

"Ah, it would appear you are beginning to understand your fate," Severus said condescendingly.

"You can't!" Pettigrew exclaimed. He turned his watery gaze on Harry. "Malfoy is evil. You can't free him. You can't lock me up to die!"

"Evil or not, I need him," Harry said flatly, unmoved by Pettigrew's pleading and whimpering. "And you deserve to die in Azkaban. It's where you should've been a long time ago. My only regret in sending you there is that Sirius' name will never be cleared."

"A signed confession under the effects of Veritaserum should help clear his name," Severus suggested smoothly.

Harry's eyes jerked to his. Severus hadn't said anything about this. He ignored Pettigrew's blubbering, listening as Severus explained that the parchment could be spelled so that it would indicate Pettigrew's magical signature. It wouldn't be perfect proof but, when the time was right, Harry would be able to take the document to the Ministry and clear Sirius' name and bring out the truth.

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