Chapter 29

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood and simply stared at the cup. It wasn't until they heard shouting from the others that they paid any attention to their surroundings again. They turned to see Remus, Fred, George, and Ginny coming to meet them. Harry didn't doubt that Draco was with them as well.

"What the bloody hell are you doing down here?" Harry snapped. He didn't get much of an answer as the others became sidetracked at the sight of the cup. Harry felt the hand on his back from the one person who couldn't speak to him before he could attract the others' attention.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Harry, what exactly are you involved in?" Remus asked sharply, dragging his attention away from the dome of magic in the centre of the room. His eyes caught on the way Harry was holding his wrist. "What happened?" he asked, hurrying over.

"I'm fine," said Harry irritably. "I just fell and broke my wrist is all. The question is what the hell are you doing down here?"

Remus ignored him and pulled his wand. "I can splint and wrap your wrist, but I'm afraid I can't heal it down here," he said.

"Remus, I'm fine," Harry snapped impatiently. "I don't know what you're doing down here, but I need to try to figure that out," he said, jerking his head towards the dome of magic, "and then we need to get the fuck out of here before the Dementors decide to reform – or whatever the hell it is they do."

Remus darted a glance back towards the cup. "You're not fine, Harry," he said quietly. "We heard the shouting and hurried as quickly as we could."

He met Harry's gaze. "We came through the mist. I can't say how many you destroyed, but I do believe that they will not be coming back," he said.

Harry started. "I thought they couldn't be destroyed," he said in surprise.

Remus' gaze again flicked to the middle of the room. "Everything has one way or another of being destroyed. I would think you understood this, Harry," he said.

Harry followed his gaze and nodded slowly.

"Professor, how is it possible?" Hermione asked, finally speaking up.

"The mist is already slowly dispersing," Remus explained. "Which indicates that they are not reforming. A Dementor can be destroyed by a Patronus when they have been already weakened. However, it's mostly unheard of for them to be weakened to such a state."

"But being locked down here would do it," Harry muttered.

Remus nodded.

"They were temporary, Harry," Hermione said in a rush. She had that air about her that indicated she had a lot of information she wanted to impart and couldn't get it out fast enough.

Harry listened as Remus quickly and efficiently wrapped his wrist.

"Voldemort had to have done this since Dumbledore's death," Hermione said excitedly. "It makes sense. The Dementors couldn't have been down here forever, but they'd last long enough as protection until he could capture and kill you. Then, he could set up more permanent protections."

"He knew you'd come, mate," Ron interjected angrily. "He laid all of this as a trap for you."

"No," Hermione said, shaking her head for emphasis.

"He didn't lay this as a trap for Harry?" Ron asked blankly.

"No, because he especially didn't want me to find this," Harry said quietly. "The trap was at the house. He knew I'd be unable to resist going there," he added bitterly.

"Exactly," Hermione said in satisfaction. "He expected you to be dead long before you discovered this down here."

"You don't have to sound so bloody happy my death was planned for today," Harry muttered.

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