Chapter 6

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Tuesday morning, Harry left Victoria in Draco and Winky's care at the Dursleys and Apparated to Grimmauld Place. He was a little amused at how thankful Draco was to have Winky's help this time. Draco had done all right by himself with Victoria, but he wasn't nearly as comfortable as Harry with the baby care.

Harry was a touch early and fully expected Snape to already be there. He was surprised when he wasn't, but was even more amazed at the appearance of the kitchen. He stared dazedly at the room that just two days before had looked like a dust bin. Now, it looked downright pristine. The transformation was astounding.

Curiously, Harry walked over to check the cupboards. Everything inside seemed to be clean and stocked as well. Feeling much better about eventually moving into this place, he set about making some tea. He was oddly proud, considering he hadn't done any of the work to make this room presentable.

Pouring a cup of tea, he heard when Snape entered the house. The man came to a sudden standstill immediately inside the kitchen.

"Potter," he said sternly. "How did this bloody room acquire this level of cleanliness?"

Harry shot him a look. "Would you like a cup of tea?" he asked.

Snape exhaled heavily, glanced around the room again and then, to Harry's surprise, nodded gratefully. Snape sat down at the table as Harry poured another cup of tea and set all the essentials on the table.

Harry sat down with his own cup of tea and watched as Snape meticulously prepared his before taking a sip.

"Potter," he said wearily. "Would you care to explain how you managed this?"

Harry noticed the man looked especially haggard, and he didn't look like he had the energy to argue with Harry. He reminded Harry of Draco when he'd first started coming to the Dursleys, and Harry found himself feeling a twinge of worry for both.

"I, uh, kind of acquired a house-elf," Harry admitted.

"In addition to Kreacher?" Snape asked.

Harry's nose automatically wrinkled in disgust at the sound of Kreacher's name. "Yes, Kreacher probably hadn't cleaned this house since Sirius' mum actually died years ago. I've got one that can obviously be much more useful."

"Potter, we can't have house-elves here that aren't bound," Snape said, his tone harsh again.

"I figured that as well," Harry said, ignoring Snape's tone. "So, um, I bound one to me."

Snape looked at him appraisingly. "Do tell me that you did not bind that Dobby creature to yourself."

"Merlin, no!" Harry exclaimed in horror. "I'd never survive!"

He could've sworn he saw Snape's lips quirking in amusement.

"Then who?" Snape questioned.

Harry glanced at the man warily. "Winky," he admitted quietly.

"Ah," Snape said in understanding. "I'm impressed, Potter. She is probably a wise choice, particularly considering that you know some of her history."

"I wasn't real concerned about her loyalty," Harry said wryly. "Not once she was bound, anyway."

"Indeed," Snape said before sipping at his tea.

Harry was finding the situation a little surreal, especially after the hostilities from the last time they'd met. He'd have to offer the man tea more often, he decided.

"Is it presumptuous to believe this baby you mentioned has something to do with your sudden acquisition of another house-elf?" Snape asked smoothly.

Harry stiffened. He did not want to fight about Victoria again, and he tried to answer without sounding too defensive. "I needed the help, because I couldn't take care of a baby and fight a war at the same time," he explained.

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