Chapter 52

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Harry woke to the sound of whispering voices. Not that he could make any sense out of them. He winced as he cracked his eyes open.

"Harry! Oh, thank Merlin," Remus breathed.

"What happened this time?" Harry muttered.

Dead silence greeted his question.

Harry opened his eyes a little more. "Remus?" he questioned.

Remus' eyes drifted to Harry's forehead as he gently brushed strands of hair away from Harry's eyes.

Harry winced. Even the light touch sent waves of pain coursing through his head.

"Drink this," Madam Pomfrey ordered, coming into Harry's limited view.

He obeyed without question.

"Close your eyes and rest a few minutes until that starts working," she commanded.

He thought about nodding, but decided against it. "Yes, ma'am," he murmured.

He lay there quietly, wondering at the silence in the room. He tried to remember what the hell had happened that had left him injured and in bed again. As the memories came rushing back, he jerked into an upright position.

His hands flew up to cradle his head as the pain flared, threatening to shatter his skull.

"Mr. Potter, you need to lie down and rest," Pomfrey said insistently.

Harry blinked blearily at the woman. "Madam Pomfrey?" he questioned in disbelief, finally registering her presence and realizing belatedly that he was in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, not home at Grimmauld Place.

"Yes, now lie down, young man," she ordered.

Squinting against the pain still throbbing in his head, Harry lay down but glanced at Remus beside him. "You all right?" he asked. "Where's Draco? Where's Severus? What happened to Voldemort?"

Remus gave him a small, worried smile. "I'm fine, Harry. You're the one who needs to let Madam Pomfrey take care of you," he said softly. "You did it, Harry. Voldemort is gone – for good."

Harry was confused, and he realized that he'd likely been given some Dreamless Sleep as he could barely keep his eyes open. "Where's Draco and Severus?" he asked desperately. "Where's everyone?"

"They're fine," Remus reassured, but the worry hadn't left his features, and Harry wasn't actually reassured.

"When you killed Voldemort, you broke the connections he had with yourself and his followers," Remus continued. "That's why you and Draco collapsed."

Harry's mind was fuzzy and his eyes were drifting shut. "But Draco's all right?" he questioned.

"Yes, Draco has already recovered," Remus answered. "There were many injuries, but everyone has survived the battle. You are the only one yet to fully recover."

"Figures," Harry murmured, but he was relieved to hear that everyone was all right.

The relief and the potions took over and he was pulled into slumber before he could demand more answers.

* * * * *

Harry groaned, his head pounding him into consciousness.


"Don't shout," he muttered hoarsely, his throat dry.

There was a murmur of voices that rasped over his nerves, a rapid click of heels across the floor, a vial pressed against his lips. He swallowed automatically, coughing a little at trying to drink while still lying down.

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