Chapter 26

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"Are you all right, Harry?" Ginny asked worriedly.

Fred and George were attempting to smother their grins.

"I'm fine," Harry answered casually. "How are you doing?"

"You were in there a terribly long time," she said in concern, ignoring his question.

Harry sat down, resting his head against the back of the couch before he responded. "I've figured out someplace else I need to go," he said quietly, knowing it would deflect attention, but not really wanting to talk about it. "When we were still at Hogwarts, it's where I had planned on going first, but then I dismissed it."

"Now you think it's actually important to go to Godric's Hollow?" she questioned.

Harry's head snapped up to look at her.

She shrugged. "Ron let it slip," she said.

Harry scowled, knowing it had also just been slipped to Draco. "Ron's got a big mouth," he said irritably.

Ginny shrugged again. "We all know that," she said dismissively. "He deliberately let it slip to me, though."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because he's got it in his head that we're going to live happily ever after," she said wryly. "When Hermione laid into him for it, he said that he'd want her there if he had to deal with something like that, so he thought you'd want me there."

He opened his mouth, and then shut it again quickly. The whole situation was ridiculous. Fred, George, and Ginny all knew Harry would want someone else there, but while the twins actually knew who it was, Ginny didn't. Ginny didn't even know that the twins knew anything and vice versa. And all the while, Draco was probably watching them all, scowling darkly.

"I'm taking Ron and Hermione with me and that's it," Harry said firmly. "Surely Hermione won't mind waiting while I kick Ron's arse," he added.

The three redheads laughed.

"Ah, come on, Harry," Fred said cajolingly. "You wouldn't force us to miss out on watching that."

Harry smirked at him. "It wouldn't be worth it. I can't afford to hurt him too badly at the moment," he said.

"Too bad," George said despairingly. "Little Ronniekins deserves a good arse kickin'."

"I don't know," Ginny said, giggling. "Hermione's been doing a pretty good job on him already."

"She does have him fairly well-trained," Harry agreed, grinning.

"So, no chance of you taking us with you?" Ginny asked, sobering.

"No," Harry said flatly. "Ron and Hermione know why I'm going and, no, I can't tell you. It's bad enough with you knowing as much as you do," he said.

"Harry, we're not going to say anything to anyone, and we're not even blabbermouths like Ron," Ginny said.

"No," Harry repeated forcefully. "I'm following Dumbledore's orders on this. He told me I could tell Ron and Hermione, but no one else. I'm needing too much help to follow the orders completely, but I'm doing my best."

Ginny frowned at him, clearly not happy. "Why didn't Dumbledore ever ask me before?" she asked, shifting the subject a little.

"I don't know," Harry said, frowning. "It doesn't make sense. Part of it must be because I didn't get a vital piece of information to him until not too long before he died." He shook his head. "That doesn't make sense, though, either."

Why didn't Dumbledore question Ginny about the Chamber? Dumbledore hadn't been certain about there being seven Horcruxes until after Harry got the memory out of Slughorn. Which explained why Harry understood the references to the seventh secret that Ginny had mentioned, but it didn't explain why Dumbledore hadn't questioned her in the first place.

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