Chapter 36

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"Come on, Harry," Draco drawled, getting up from the table.

"Why?" Harry asked, drawing the word out warily.

"Just come with me," Draco insisted, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. "Mum'll get Victoria."

Harry saw only suspiciously blank expressions when he glanced around the table at the others. "Where are we going?" he asked, grudgingly allowing himself to be pulled from the room.

Draco didn't answer and didn't stop until they stood in the middle of the drawing room.

"Presents?" Harry asked blankly, staring at the large pile of wrapped packages.

"What else would they be?" Draco retorted, but he looked extremely pleased with himself.

"Those are for me?" Harry questioned, brows raised in disbelief.

"I was afraid you might actually think this was bizarre," Draco muttered. "Yes, these presents are for you, Harry," he said, gently tugging Harry to sit down on the floor near the pile of packages.

"Where the hell did they come from?" Harry asked, bemusedly staring at the pile. "Certainly this is more presents than I've received in my entire life."

"You've been deprived," Draco said flatly.

Harry sent a sidelong glance at Draco. "And you've been spoiled," he said in amusement, regaining his equilibrium.

"And it is your turn to be spoiled," Narcissa said pleasantly.

The adults had followed and taken seats where they could watch Harry open his gifts. Narcissa set a cleaned-up Victoria on the floor, who immediately crawled over to the colourfully wrapped boxes.

"Where'd all this come from?" Harry asked. "It's not like anyone could go shopping or anything."

"Well, some of it Mum and I shopped for before we came to your house that first day," Draco admitted casually. "Others, I've had to get the matching pair's help with."

Harry blinked in astonishment. "You were preparing to go into hiding, and you went shopping?!"

"Only Mum did, really," Draco said. "You know I couldn't go out, even then. I just told her what I wanted."

Harry gaped at Narcissa. "Why would you do such a thing?" he asked. He was certain he'd completely surpassed his sense of the bizarre. This was incomprehensible to him.

Severus was the one who answered. "Narcissa spent a whirlwind few hours shopping, in several cities, leaving me an impossible trail to follow," he said dryly. "It was not entirely for your benefit."

"Thank Merlin," Harry said gratefully. He never would have considered shopping as a way of eluding people, but it made an odd sort of sense when it came to Malfoys.

"You want presents as well?" Harry asked Victoria in amusement. She'd managed to pull a strip of paper off of one of the packages and was waving it delightedly as if it were a flag. "I'm sure your grandmother bought you lots of things for your birthday next month."

"She did," Draco said, grinning. "But Victoria can practice on yours. It's already two o'clock and you've only got so much time."

"You said I've got until six o'clock," Harry protested.

"No, I said you were expected at the Weasley's at six o'clock," Draco corrected. "I didn't say that you didn't have other plans between now and then."

"Where else am I supposed to be?" Harry asked, his voice rising incredulously.

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