Chapter 37

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"What's this about you visiting the Ministry?" Hermione demanded.

"I had to talk to Scrimgeour," Harry said evenly. "Just like you suggested."

"Did you even plan to tell us about it?" she asked, hands on her hips as she glared at him.

Harry paused. "I told Remus," he said, knowing that wasn't what she wanted to hear, but he hadn't been prepared for this conversation. "He went with me."

"I don't like this," Hermione said, her eyes narrowed.

"Come on, Hermione," Harry pleaded. "It's not like I could get into a whole lot of trouble with Remus."

Hermione huffed at him. "The last time I know that you were with him, you got into an argument with Voldemort and were involved with a large pack of Dementors," she said pointedly.

"Yeah, well, he also made sure I was taken care of afterwards," he said defensively.

"Harry, I don't want to fight with you," Hermione said, "but I don't like this at all. You've always had more secrets and things you didn't really want to talk about, but now . . . now you don't seem to want to tell us anything."

Harry closed his eyes, attempting to keep hold of his rising temper. He didn't really want to fight with them, either. He tried simply changing the subject.

"Have you been able to do any more of the research?" he asked, his voice tight.

"We need to talk about all these secrets," Hermione said firmly, not willing to back down.

Harry opened his eyes, glaring at her. "You and Ron know the biggest secret of all," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

"Hermione, lay off," Ron said, staring at Harry even as he tugged at Hermione's arm.

"Don't you care that Harry could be in real trouble?" Hermione snapped, rounding on Ron.

"Of course I care," Ron said. "I don't like him keeping secrets from us, either, but I don't see how nagging at him is going to help."

Hermione's nostrils flared as she inhaled sharply. "I'm not nagging," she said. "I'm trying to point out to him that we're here for him and trying to help."

There was a knock at the door and all three turned to glare at the intruder. Harry slashed his wand to drop the Silencing Charm as Fred looked them over with raised brows.

"What?" Hermione snapped impatiently.

Fred ignored her and looked at Harry. "Remus sent me up here to get you," he said. "Seems Dad was right and you've now got a visitor downstairs."

"I don't fucking want to deal with Scrimgeour right now," Harry muttered angrily, stalking to the door anyway. His friends followed closely, but warily.

Harry paused at the bottom of the stairs and took a deep breath, composing himself before he went into the sitting room where he could hear the others talking. The method had seemed to work for Draco earlier in the day, so it was worth a try.

"Ah, here's Harry now," Arthur said warmly, missing the underlying tension in the air.

"Good evening, Potter," Scrimgeour said. Harry didn't think anyone in the room missed the Minister blatantly looking Harry over. Hopefully most of them would attribute it to Harry's new clothing and lack of glasses, though. "You are looking well today."

Harry nodded once in acknowledgement. "My apologies for not contacting you earlier," he said, playing the game.

Scrimgeour's gaze swept once around the other members of the room, who were all looking on curiously. "Perhaps you could step outside with me for a private word?" he suggested.

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