Chapter 48

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Harry stood at the head of the table, gazing at all of the people gathered in the Weasley's garden for this meeting. He felt the butterflies threatening to take over his stomach and firmly squashed them. It wasn't the time for niceties and it wasn't the time for nervousness.

He was aware of the image he presented, as Draco had carefully cultivated it. He'd felt like he was being pressed and starched at the time, but now he was the picture of a proper wizard, dressed similarly as he had been at Bill and Fleur's wedding a few days before, in his phoenix robes.

He remained unaware, though, of the air of authority and determination he presented. He was oblivious to the sense of danger and power radiating from him as he stood there watching everyone until silence fell over the gathering.

"Thank you," he said quietly, his voice easily carrying to everyone. "This is an extremely important meeting and one in which you will all find very difficult. You're going to find it hard to trust my judgement, but it's more important than ever that you do so. Our lives will depend upon it."

There was a lot of restless shifting at Harry's words. Many exchanged wary glances amongst themselves or sent him sharp looks of concern.

"I'm gathering all those fighting against Voldemort and we will need everyone as we go into the final battle," Harry said.

"Final battle?!"

The exclamations came from many people around the table, and Harry simply nodded once in acknowledgement, waiting silently until the group quieted again. They did quiet as they realized Harry was not going to be forthcoming with more information until they were all listening.

Harry was inwardly surprised at how well this was working. Lucius had been an invaluable help preparing him for this. He'd been instructed on how to take charge and on how to remain in charge . . . and it was working . . . so far.

"The final battle will be fought on Saturday, three days from now," Harry said. "Anyone not wishing to be involved is welcome to leave now." He waited for several seconds, but no one moved.

"Be aware that by staying, you will be committing yourself," he said. He quietly explained that extra spells would be placed to ensure that the plans would remain secret. He again waited and, again, no one moved. McGonagall, Kingsley and Remus swiftly cast the spells that would allow no one to speak about anything that transpired during the rest of the meeting.

Harry noticed Moody looking at him with a mixture of both approval and suspicion. Severus had put up a ward to keep Moody from seeing them in the house. Tonks was watching him with open curiosity. Most were staring at him apprehensively.

"Mr. Potter, do you not think that this is a little extreme?" someone asked, sounding slightly alarmed.

"No," Harry said simply

"Those inducted into the Order have already taken vows of commitment and secrecy," the woman persisted.

"Those inducted into the Order have never been faced with what I will be presenting them with today. The extra spells are necessary," Harry said firmly.

They'd been presented with an Azkaban escapee before. They'd dealt with issues surrounding Death Eater spies before. However, they'd not been forced to face someone who had killed their leader. They'd not had to so explicitly place their trust in a seventeen-year-old.

He breathed deeply, fortifying himself. "I have several important people coming to this meeting," he explained. "They've been instrumental in helping me this summer and they are vital links in the plans for Saturday."

"Who are they?" Moody asked sharply.

"I will introduce you to them shortly," Harry said, putting him off for the moment. "I may very well be asking for too much, but I am hoping that you can all behave civilly and trust me long enough to at least give you the explanations that you will want to hear."

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