Chapter 10

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Having heard the front door opening, Aunt Petunia met him in the hallway and gasped in shock when she saw him.

"Do I look that bad?" Harry grumbled.

"Are you all right?" Petunia asked worriedly.

Harry looked at her oddly, still surprised when she showed concern on the rare occasion. Now and then he'd thought about trying to talk to her, but he kept putting it off. It was enough trouble trying to figure out Draco and Snape, and his aunt was just too far down on his importance scale at the moment.

"I'm bloody exhausted, but otherwise fine," he mumbled.

Petunia glanced up the stairs. "I saw your guest," she said.

Harry gave her a sharp glance, which she saw when she turned to look at him again. "There was a blood trail," she said stiffly.

"Ah," Harry said, looking at the floor, which she'd obviously already cleaned. Or else, Winky had. Harry had missed it completely the night before, but he'd been a little preoccupied.

"Will he be all right?" Petunia asked.

Harry nodded. "I've brought back some potions that will help him," he said, starting for the stairs. "I'll probably sleep most of the day," he added.

"Harry," Petunia said. He turned back. "Is . . . everything all right?" she asked nervously.

Harry realized that she had no idea what had actually happened the night before, but clearly guessed that something major had occurred. He nodded wearily. "Everyone's alive," he said, and made his way upstairs. As far as he was concerned, she didn't need any more explanation than that.

He wasn't expecting to be accosted by Victoria upon opening his bedroom door. His mind kept insisting it was night time, but he realized that it was actually early morning now. Petunia was downstairs making breakfast, and Victoria was obviously fresh for a new day.

Glancing over to the bed, he saw Draco watching him, face lined with pain. Crouching down, he looked at Victoria, who had crawled over to him and was currently trying to climb up his grimy trouser leg. He picked her up gingerly and set her in her cot. "Not now, Victoria," he pleaded. "I'm tired and your daddy needs the potions I've brought for him."

She cooed at him and held her arms out for him to pick her up again. Harry passed her a couple of toys and she was distracted for the moment at least. Winky gently pushed Harry away and towards the bed.

Harry started pulling potion vials out of his trouser pockets and lining them up on the nightstand. When he found one of the Pain-Relieving Potions, he pulled the stopper and passed it to Draco, who accepted it gratefully. He wasn't so sure Draco still needed it, but passed him one of the Blood-Replenishing Potions as well. Draco didn't argue and downed that one as well.

"Better?" Harry asked.

"Now," Draco said tiredly.

"Then let's get you healed up," Harry said, sighing heavily.

Draco looked at him sharply. "Suddenly learned some healing spells?"

"Yes," Harry said wearily. "It's been a productive night."

"Where have you been, anyway?" Draco asked. "You've been gone for hours."

"Hogwarts," Harry said shortly. He pulled the blankets back and began removing the bandages that had become soaked with blood again. He was suddenly thankful he'd given Draco that second potion.

Draco didn't question him any further and only lay there quietly, watching Harry as he worked. Once all the bandages were removed, Harry pulled out his wand. Closing his eyes, he went over again exactly what Snape had taught him.

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