Chapter 20

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Harry burst into the hospital wing, panting for breath. Oddly enough, under the circumstances, hardly anyone seemed to notice. The hospital wing was chaos. Eyes darting about wildly, Harry spotted Hermione rushing towards him.

He was expecting a hug. Instead, she grabbed his hand and started pulling him to another part of the room. "Harry, you've got to come help," she said, sounding desperate.

Alarmed, Harry hurriedly followed her, only to realize that she was leading him to Remus. "Oh no, not Remus, too," he said miserably.

"He'll be fine, Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey said sharply. "But I understand you know a charm that will heal wounds like this more quickly?"

Harry nodded, wondering if Snape would kill him when he found out that Harry was letting others in on the spell.

"Then heal him – quickly," she ordered. "The Death Eaters seem to be using more and more spells that are slicing people open," she added. "There are others that need healing."

Considering that she obviously had other patients to attend to, Pomfrey still stood to the side and watched as Harry took up the position beside Remus. There were two large slashes across Remus' chest, reminding Harry sickeningly of when he'd sliced Draco open. Harry guided his wand along the wounds, healing both of them. "He needs dittany," he said quietly when he was finished.

Madam Pomfrey nodded briskly, and Harry realized she was already holding a vial. "We will talk later, Mr. Potter. For now, please have Ms. Granger direct you to the others who could benefit from this spell tonight."

Harry worked his way around the room, healing all open wounds that he could. Hermione followed, offering vials of dittany afterwards. Harry soon realized that Madam Pomfrey was essentially working on patients ahead of them, running checks and healing all other injuries.

So many injured. Some people Harry didn't even recognize. But Charlie was back in a hospital bed, and Mr. Weasley had sustained a knock to the head after he'd been stunned, Harry learned.

Eventually, he ended up leaning against the wall closest to George's bed. The Weasleys were all talking quietly, and Harry was a little surprised that no one was asleep. Pomfrey always drugged him to sleep when he was in the hospital wing. These were a bit different circumstances, though, he had to admit.

He started when a hand squeezed his shoulder. His eyes widened marginally as he remembered that Draco had followed him to Hogwarts. Draco was in the middle of the Hogwarts hospital wing. Where all these people wanted him dead or in Azkaban. And Draco called Harry stupid. Harry shifted closer to the body next to him anyway.

Now that things had calmed down dramatically, Harry saw McGonagall making her way towards them, gathering Remus, Tonks, and Pomfrey along the way.

Harry stepped forward, away from Draco, as Remus neared. He was immediately enfolded in a tight hug.

"Harry, I'm worried about you," Remus murmured softly.

"I'm not the one who got hurt," Harry retorted, his voice muffled by Remus' chest. He could feel the rumbling as Remus chuckled quietly.

"With as much blood as you have on you, you'd think you were injured, though," Remus said, pulling back and smiling gently.

Harry looked down at himself ruefully. "Yeah, a shower and change of clothes sound like a wonderful idea."

"Not yet, Mr. Potter," McGonagall said.

Harry groaned and moved to lean back against the wall again, as Pomfrey urged Remus and Tonks to sit. He felt Draco brush against his side, and felt horribly exposed, despite the fact that everyone had turned to gaze expectantly at McGonagall.

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