Chapter 60

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Apparating to Hogwarts, Harry was rather suspicious. Amazingly, there'd been no reporters at the gates. A few Aurors had been present, nodding politely, but not saying a word.

It wasn't even ten o'clock in the morning and he'd understood the feast and celebration wouldn't be until that evening. He also didn't understand why he was required to wear formal dress robes. He'd discovered that he'd been fitted for them the previous afternoon while he'd thought he was being fitted for school robes. Although, he got new school robes out of the deal as well.

Draco had only talked him into wearing the new robes by promising to wear actual Muggle jeans later in the day. For that, Harry was willing to compromise and he wasn't going to allow Draco to go back on his word. For now, though, they looked like proper, well-dressed wizards striding across Hogwarts grounds to the castle.

"We're almost there," Harry said. "Do you think you could tell me what we're doing now?"

Draco tilted his head thoughtfully. "No, I don't think so," he said.

Harry glared at him sullenly. He was wearing dress robes. Whatever was going on surely wouldn't be pleasant for him. Particularly since no one would even tell him what was happening. And Draco had just confirmed that he did know.

"Relax, Harry," Draco said, taking his hand and squeezing in reassurance.

"You know, I'm beginning to hate that word," Harry observed. "I don't know what you could possibly think is relaxing about walking into an unknown situation."

"My mistake," Draco drawled, smirking at him. "I thought waltzing into the unknown was your trademark."

Harry shot him a dirty look, simply causing Draco to laugh.

They entered the Great Hall and stood just inside the doors while Harry attempted to comprehend what was happening. A wedding? A funeral?

The House tables had been moved to the edges of the room and chairs were lined up in rows. Everyone who had taken part in the final battle was there, dressed in their finest and sitting at the front of the room. There were also a great number of people who, if Harry had to guess, were the families of those who had been involved. He recognized a few people here and there, including Neville's grandmother and Hermione's parents.

A hush fell over the room as they were noticed and Draco led him to seats in the front row. A terrible lot of people were gazing at him with knowing amusement.

"Now can you tell me what's going on?" he hissed in Draco's ear.

Draco wasn't given the opportunity to answer as McGonagall stood to address the room. Apparently she'd only been waiting for him and Draco.

"I welcome all of you to Hogwarts," she said. "It is my deepest honour to be here as we show our appreciation to those who have made it possible for us to be here today."

Harry automatically started to rise as he finally realized what was happening. He wanted no part of this. Unfortunately, Draco, and apparently everyone else, had anticipated his reaction. There was a rumble of laughter as Draco pulled Harry back into his seat.

"Draco," he hissed. "Why'd you bring me to this?"

"Because you deserve recognition," Draco said. "As do a lot of other people," he added pointedly. "You don't want to dishonour them, do you?"

Harry glared at him. "No, of course not," he said. Draco certainly knew how to play his guilt buttons.

"Then stay put and show some respect," Draco said.

"Has our reluctant hero agreed to stay, Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall asked.

Draco nodded firmly and Harry wanted to slide out of existence. As that wasn't possible, he flushed horribly in embarrassment as another burst of laughter rumbled through the Hall.

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