Chapter 27

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Harry sat down on Ron's bed, trying to figure out why everyone thought they had the right to tell him what to do. Draco hadn't even allowed Harry to leave Grimmauld Place until he'd cleaned up and glamours were cast. He had to admit, he did look more presentable now, and at least Hermione and the Weasleys weren't badgering him over his appearance.

They were badgering him about everything else, though. He'd been ordered to eat, his sanity was again questioned regarding Snape's book and the snakes, and Hermione and Ron had been casting worried glances at him all morning so far.

His life hadn't exactly been easier before the events of the last month, but it had certainly been simpler.

"Okay, what's going on?" Hermione demanded after casting privacy wards on the room.

"I found one of the missing Horcruxes," Harry said bluntly.

"What? Where?" Ron asked, eyes wide.

"In the Chamber of Secrets," Harry admitted.

"Where's Ginny?" Hermione questioned worriedly. "She went with you, didn't she? That's why she's not here."

"You took Ginny?!" Ron shouted.

"Ginny's fine," Harry snapped, irritated with his friends. "Yes, she went with me. Fred and George are taking care of her. I checked on her this morning and she's just fine."

"Why would you take her? And without telling us?" Ron asked, sounding hurt.

"I did try telling you," Harry pointed out. "You two didn't want to listen to me."

"You're right," Hermione said quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Well, it's done now, Ginny and I are both fine, and I found one of the Horcruxes," Harry said, not wanting to dwell on it.

"You actually found one?" Ron asked in amazement.

Harry nodded, his excitement coming back. He quickly filled them in on his visit to the Chamber of Secrets, glossing over Ginny's reactions to the place. Hermione looked a little suspicious, but she was sidetracked when Harry explained what he'd found.

"Have you read it, yet?" Hermione asked, when Harry was finished. "It could be dangerous."

"I think it's dangerous," Harry said grimly. "But not in the way you mean. It contains all of Voldemort's detailed notes about Horcruxes. It's not well-documented information and would be dangerous in the hands of any Dark wizard who thought they'd like to give it a try."

"Good thing Snape doesn't know about it, then," Ron said angrily.

Harry frowned thoughtfully, wondering if that was the reason why Dumbledore hadn't trusted Snape with information about the Horcruxes. Snape liked the Dark Arts, but surely he wouldn't want to split his soul into pieces?

"We've gone over this, Ron," Hermione was saying, her tone suggesting she'd repeated the words a thousand times already. "You were obviously right all along that we shouldn't trust Snape."

"Is there anything else in the diary?" she asked Harry, not giving Ron a chance to say anything more about Snape.

"Does it say where the other Horcruxes are?" Ron asked hopefully, his attention diverted.

"No," Harry answered Ron. "It doesn't say where they are, or even what they all were, as he didn't have them all at the time he hid the diary."

"He had to have hidden it when he went back to Hogwarts to ask Dumbledore for a job," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"That's what I think," Harry agreed. "I think the stone on that shelf is somehow the curse on the Defence Against the Dark Arts position as well."

"It does make sense," Hermione admitted. "And Voldemort definitely didn't have all of his Horcruxes made at that time. Dumbledore told you that he planned to make his last one when he tried to kill you," she said, looking at Harry sadly.

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