wrens birthday party (pt.2)

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JADE: Save some for me.
*Poppy drinks some too. TIME JUMP everyone is partying and Poppy is in the middle drinking a bunch of the 'punch' the Summer then me and at this point us 3 are drunk*
*Me and Bax are next to each other talking and dancing around and Poppy & Griff are dancing*
POPPY: You're not mad at me too, right?
GRIFF: What? Nah. Nah.
POPPY: Okay. 'Cause we were, like, super casual.
GRIFF: Yeah, yeah. Totally. Just a bit of fun.
POPPY: Okay!
*She dances with someone else and Griff looks angry*

*Ari runs outside and starts grabbing plates and Wren walks up*
WREN: Ari. Ari, you need to shut those 3 down. It's so rude, I can't believe it.
ARI: Yep, yeah, okay.
HONEY: If a wren finds another bird's egg, she'll stab it with her beak, making sure it will never hatch.
WREN: You've been reading the same chapter all day. It's not funny.
ARI: Hey. Just let me take these plates inside, then I'll handle it. I promise.
*I kiss Bax and he puts me against the table and smiles and starts to walk away but I pull him back and we kiss again*

ABBIE: I feel a bit guilty. Thommo's the baker of the house. Store-bought's fine, right?
*Ari walks in the house with a bunch of plates*
MARGOT: Oh, Abbie, no mum has made a cake since the '50s.
ABBIE: Maybe not in New York.
*Ari starts opening cabinets and looking for the candles*
ABBIE: Also, not your kid. Sprinkles. Sprinkles fix everything. Ari, did you find the candles? Sweetie? Are you okay?
ARI: Yeah, yeah. Um... I just... can't remember if I took my tablet today.
MARGOT: You know, Ari, with what you're taking, it's fine to skip a day.
*Abbie walks closer to Ari*
ABBIE: Are things not good with Wren? I hope I haven't forced you into a corner by throwing this party.
ARI: No. Nup.
ABBIE: I will kick everyone out right now. You say the word. I'll tell everyone I've got gastro. Whatever it takes.
ARI: No. No. Um... I'm fine, Mum. Promise.
*Margot looks in the fridge*
MARGOT: Where's the punch?

*Marlon walks over to where everyone is dancing and sees Poppy drinking the rest of the 'punch' and walks over to her and Poppy notices*
POPPY: Oh, my God! Yay! You're here! I told everyone you were gonna do a backflip!
MARLON: Backflip? Let me take you home.
POPPY: No! I'm allowed to have a night off! Marlon...
MARLON: What are you talking about? Nationals are tomorrow, Poppy. Look at you.
POPPY: What do you care? You're just a sub!
*Marlon walks away and Poppy continues to dance*
BAX: Hey, I gotta, um... I gotta tell you something. Remember how I said I owed my little sis?
*I nod and continue to dance around*
BAX: Well, a few weeks ago she demanded payment. I loosened Summers fins at the Talent Search comp. That's why they fell off the board.
*I grab Bax's hand and walk away from the group of people*
JADE: It was messed upp. But listen, don't say anything okayy? Summer doesn't need to know and it's finee.
*I give him a little peck and walk back to the group of people and soon after he does too and then Margot turns on the lights and everyone boos*
*She leads everyone to the area and we all sit down and I sit next to Poppy, and Bax but Summer stays standing up*
ABBIE: Here comes the cake. You know what to do.
*We all start singing Happy birthday but once we're done Summer walks over*
SUMMER: I'd like to make a speech.
*Summer says drunkly as Poppy grabs the bowl full of chips and start eating them*
ABBIE: Uh, maybe after the candles?
SUMMER: Nah, I'll be super quick. Wren, birthday girl, it's been crazy getting to know you over the last few weeks. I can honestly say I've never met anyone like you.
MARGOT: Summer.
SUMMER: When you set your mind to something, you don't let anything get in your way. I don't know how else to say it. You're just... a winner. A massive winner.
*She turns to everybody with her hands spread out*
SUMMER: Happy birthday, Wren.
*Summer blows out her candles*
BODHI: Summer!
SUMMER: Candles were dripping.
*Wren walks away*
ARI: Seriously?
*Ari walks after Wren and Margot comes up to Summer*
MARGOT: Now I know who stole the punch. Bed. Now. Now.
*Summer walks away and looks at me and Poppy and Poppy sets the chips down and I give Bax a quick kiss and walk to Summer and me and Poppy put our arm around Summer and start laughing*
MARGOT: Okay... Let's cut the cake.
JADE: What just happened?

WREN: Whatever. I mean, it doesn't matter. Once I tell Elo they're hammered, they're off the team, right?
ARI: No. You can't do that. Nationals is tomorrow.
WREN: Why are you defending them, Ari? After what they just did? After everything they've done. Why?
ARI: Because I still have feelings for her. And Poppy and Jade are my best friends. That night at the camp, I was with Summer. Just for a moment, but we kissed.
WREN: I mean... I really didn't think you were capable, but, um...
ARI: I know. But, Wren, be honest with me. Did you trash that guy's hotel room in Byron?
WREN: Are you seriously turning this back on me right now? This is what Summer does, Ari. This is what they all do. They're constantly tearing people down so they will sink to their level. You think she cares about you, but she doesn't even like who you are. I just want you to be amazing.
*Wren says moving closer to Ari*
WREN: Because you are amazing. You know what the worst part is? You can't even see how much I love you. I love you, Ari.
ARI: I love you too.
*They go into Ari's room and start kissing and then ykyk*

*We all start laughing as we walk down the sidewalk*
SUMMER: Yo. Watch this.
*Summer picks up a pebble and tries to throw it at the Shorehaven Town Centre sign but she misses very bad and me and Poppy start laughing*
JADE: You missed that by so far!
*Poppy picks up a pebble and hits the sign*
SUMMER: Of course you did. You're good at everything, hey!
*Poppy does a little dance*
JADE: There she is!
SUMMER: Our beloved captain.
*We saying looking at Wren's picture on the surf shop window*
POPPY: Isn't she just the best?
SUMMER: The best!
POPPY: You know what?
SUMMER: What? Say it.
POPPY: I totally believe she framed you in Byron.
JADE: Yes!
SUMMER: Thank you!
*Summer puts her hands together and sits on the ground and then gets back up*
POPPY: Yeah! You two are awesome, she sucks!
JADE: You know what? You should've been named captain.
POPPY: Yes! I should've been captain!
*Poppy throws a pebble at the window where Wren's photo is and it shatters and an alarm goes off*
word count: 1216

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