Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson

Start from the beginning

"No, I mean like... us having kids."

Ominis laughed. "Do I need to give you a lesson in biology, Lawson? I'm sure you can see how that won't work."

"N-no! I know that." I said with a roll of my eyes, "But maybe there are other ways."

"Like what?" Ominis said, raising an eyebrow.

"We could adopt?" I suggested gently.

"What? And potentially end up with a child like Sebastian was? I don't know... are you sure that's what's best for us?"


He didn't like it. I shouldn't have mentioned anything.

"Is this because Sebastian and Olive just told us they are expecting again?" Ominis said, his expression softening.


Maybe it was a little. Admittedly, I was a little jealous that they had the capability to actually fall pregnant. I had always wanted to be a father but that was a dream I'd pushed to the side when I'd fallen in love with Ominis, something I had never expected when I thought of my future. Of course I knew neither of us could get pregnant. But I still had that dream even though it was now pushed to the back of my mind.

"Let's think about it, alright? We will talk later. Goodnight." Ominis said, giving me a soft kiss before rolling over and extinguishing the lamp for me.

Ominis didn't mention it again. He actually carried on like the conversation hadn't even happened. Which made me a little sad.

"Seb." I asked over lunch one day at the Ministry when I finally caught him alone.

"Mm?" Sebastian responded through a mouthful of sandwich.

"Ominis... has he ever mentioned kids to you?"

Sebastian laughed and almost choked on his bread. "Ominis? Kids? No. Not really. Why? You pregnant?"

"Oh, ha-ha, Sebastian. No. I mentioned it a few weeks ago, my desire to have one and he shut it down. Hasn't mentioned it since."

Sebastian placed his sandwich down and looked at me with that annoying sympathetic look he gives, like he pitied me.

"Look... if you were a female and had the capability of becoming pregnant, I'd say you're out of luck. Ominis swore he would never, ever have a child of his own. He's ashamed of his family name and the thought of passing down any of his genetic problems is terrifying to him. Maybe you have half a chance of convincing him if it's not his own blood."

You know, sometimes Sebastian did have something helpful to contribute to a conversation.


That night, I made sure dinner was super delicious, the wine was plentiful and Ominis was in a good mood.

"So, love. Have you thought any more about what I mentioned the other night?" I asked, tiptoeing around the subject carefully.

"Children? I'll be honest, Lawson. I haven't. I don't know if it's for me."

Maybe Sebastian was right. Maybe I was wasting my time. But it was fine. I loved Ominis enough to let that dream go. I understood why Ominis wouldn't want children, I know his childhood was hard even though he didn't like to talk about it with me.

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