44. Ego or Dignity

Start from the beginning

I know you want to get back at the Black Fox, but killing Zabuza is not the way.

Do you want to defend your ego?

Then don't provoke someone who can shatter it."

"And exactly what entitlement do you have telling me what to do?" he asked in the same threatening voice.

Seeing that reasoning still wasn't going to work, I decided to use the very risky tactic of attacking his ego myself.

Draining all former emotion from my expression, I looked him dead in the eyes with a poker face and continued.

"Not entitlement. But the advantage of common sense over egotistical impulsivity.

Which would you rather have?

Your dignity, the respect of your underlings, and a feared status with no downsides but a grazed ego?

Or no dignity, no remaining respect from your underlings and a status that is no longer feared, all with the extra downside of living with a shattered ego for the rest of your life?

Is your desire to have the legend of the Ghost of the Uchiha to live on and continue to strike fear in the hearts of Shinobi for generations to come or for it to become past tense because of a single foolish mistake that cost you everything?"


"And is saving the life of a traitorous scumbag like him really worth the price of your life, Kazan?" he asked as killer intent leaked from his figure.

I stayed silent for a while before answering.

"I don't care if you provoke the Black Fox. And I don't care if you die as a result.


I certainly do care if your naivety results in me and the others being lugged into a situation that we want nothing to do with.

Do you want to fight the Black Fox? Do you want to kill him?

Then go ahead and do it the same way you teach us to face our opponents.

Head on and no provoking him from a distance like a coward. 

Although it doesn't matter either way, because you'll lose. And when you die, remember that I won't so much as bat an eye.

I have no sympathy for fools who challenge those far above their league without good reason.

After all...that is what you taught me."

No words in existence could describe the intense negative emotions burning behind his gaze. And with each word I spoke they multiplied and his glare grew sharper, as if the world's sharpest rigged blade was set ablaze and repeatedly slicing through every part of my body at once.

The atmosphere was cold as ice, the only thing emitting some sort of heat in the room being the fiery red hue of his Mangekyou Sharingan which I countered with my own (or rather Indra's) Mangekyou Sharingan stunning him for a moment before all trace of emotion drained from his features.

"Release me." He ordered in a stern voice void of all emotion but the rage and seriousness hidden behind the unspoken threat in his message.

I exhale before dispersing the Adamantine Chains around him and walks right passed me without sparing me so much as a word or a glance.

After he exits the room I inhale deeply before sighing, relieved that it was over.

"What an interesting development.

Though I knew you'd make use of it for your own benefit sooner or later I never thought you'd use the Daikokutenjin on Madara of all people.

Did the impending fear of your actions' consequences creeping closer and closer actually get to you?"

He laughed thereafter.

"It appears that even someone as seemingly collected and nonchalant as you can crack under pressure."

I didn't grace him with the privilege of a reply nor an argument despite how badly I wanted to and thankfully he left me alone afterward.

(A/n: I know that I said I'd post more but unfortunately I was not able to because one of my puppies suddenly became very sick and my schedule was full since I had to take care of him these passed 5 days.

He sadly passed away a few hours ago and I am in a very depressed state at the moment so I will not be updating for a while until I feel better.)

a Young Genius (Naruto's twin brother) an INSANE GENIUS book 1Where stories live. Discover now