Ch 64 A Time to be Born, a Time to Die

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Sunday, Feb twenty-first, twenty-twenty-seven, and Erica's was still carrying the baby high. She didn't have the awkward walk, almost wobble, you had when the baby dropped. Ginny asked her, "Aren't you due tomorrow?"

Erica frowned and felt down her baby bump. "This baby is in no hurry to be born. I wouldn't mind so much except that Quidditch season starts Saturday March sixth, and I sure hope she is born well before then."

"What are you going to do if she isn't?" Ginny wondered, showed concern and sympathy.

"The midwitch really doesn't want to induce labor until she is well over a week overdue," Erica replied. "They have good spells to tell if the baby is healthy, and if she is there is really no reason to rush her along." Erica felt her back. "It is just that the bigger they get the more you are willing to do almost anything to get the baby out. The middle months can actually be enjoyable, but when you feel like you have a Bludger out front is more and more uncomfortable."

Ginny could agree with that. The bigger the baby the more uncomfortable one became, and by the time the baby was due you would do just about anything to get it out.


Harry and the children were just back from church Saturday February twenty-seventh when Ginny received a call on her mobile from Lily.

"Hello, mum. Erica is in labor, and I have James. I will probably be bringing him to grandmum's tomorrow. Erica's mum is going to meet her at St. Mungo's."

"I will wait until I hear from someone," Ginny told Lily. "Donna will probably tell me when the baby is born."

"Mum Lionheart is a real expert, with Tabitha's three, my two and now Erica's two," Lily told her mother. "I guess Harry Lionheart has a very serious girlfriend, but I don't know much about her. All I know is that Harry isn't much for Quidditch, despite his parents and siblings."

"Thank you, Lily," Ginny told her daughter. After hanging up, Ginny told Harry, "Erica is at St. Mungo's, and Lily has James. Donna is with Erica, so we will probably hear from Donna sometime in the next few hours."


Sunday morning, just before the Potters left for the New Burrow, Ginny received a call on her mobile from Donna Lionheart.

"Do we have a baby yet?" Ginny asked, beginning to become concerned.

"Apparently we have a baby with a big head," Donna replied. "They are going to do an expanded delivery, but they are planning it and taking their time. I'm told it is not going to be more painful than most Muggle deliveries, but we have potions and spells to keep our deliveries from being so painful, so I think Erica is in for a bit of a rough time."

"I will let everybody know," Ginny told Donna. "You better get back to Erica and Viktor."

"Viktor needs a bit of reassurance that us witches do recover from delivering babies, and although having a baby can be painful it is all worth it."

"My first was by far the worst," Ginny reflected. "I will wait for your call."

"What was your easiest delivery, Ginny?" Donna wondered.

"Lily, but she's made up for being an easy delivery a hundred times over," Ginny laughed. "Take care of your daughter!"

Ginny told her family, "They are doing some wand work to help get this baby out, what they call an expanded delivery. I guess it is more painful than a normal delivery, but it will keep mother and baby healthy."

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