Ch 49 Mostly Lily Luna's Point of View

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'Boggarts. This is not good.

'Not academically inclined. That's what grandma Weasley said. Maybe I am the least academically inclined of the cousins. I'm the only one who almost failed half their OWL's. I'm not dumb. I just don't care for anything but Quidditch. Quidditch and Bill Lionheart Jr.

'Bollox and Boggarts. Maybe I am dumb. I did it this time. Even I know what it means when the pregnancy test potion turns clear. A sixth year student should know better.

'It's my fault too. Billy and I are the best pair of chasers since my mother Ginny and his mother Donna were chasers for the Harpies. Everybody says so. James says that he may hire me for James Potter's Chudley Cannons. Billy is already on the team, as field captain, and he thinks I might be good enough to be on the team, or will be when I ... except ... damn.

'Healer Swan is coming back. She knows mum and dad. I am really in deep now.'

"Is Billy Lionheart the father?"

"Yes, Billy is the father."

"He will have to come here."

"No! It's not his fault!"

"You didn't exactly get pregnant by yourself. Is he the father?"


"Well when we find out a student is pregnant, is going to have a baby, the first thing we do is to get the father here. You both are going to become parents. You both helped make this baby, and you are both going to be responsible for taking care of it."

'Oh crap, boggarts. I really have gotten Billy in trouble too. It's my fault. We were playing Quidditch around the pond, and it was hot and sweaty. When the other people had enough we all took off what we were wearing over our bathing costumes and went into the pond.

'I was wearing a sexy two-piece outfit. Mom did not like how little it covered. It did not cover much of my bust. I have nice boobs. Big enough for a five-foot-tall one-hundred-pound sexy little girl, not too big but plenty big enough. Big enough to need a little support, but you can do that with charms. A real narrow waist, nice ample hips, just like my mum before she had children. Oh Boggarts. Am I going to look like my mum when I have children? There was not much covering my bottom either. Just enough.

'Bill's bathing costume did not cover much of him either. He is not a big man, but he is big enough. He has a sexy body. We've been doing a lot of snogging, but I was still a virgin. Well maybe we were doing more than snogging. I had him inside my bra or swimsuit. It feels good when he plays with me. He never got too far but he sure felt enough of my butt. Did I say I have a real nice butt? I'm nice looking. I felt almost enough of him as well. He has a nice butt too, and nice abs and, he is sexy!

'I talked him into taking the Floo to his house and take a shower together. That's a lot of fun! Then I took off my bathing costume, and then took off his. He was excited! We had to go to his bedroom and do special spells. I had several spells that we used to make it more fun. I found mum's Touch-of-Lust Spell! Maybe two flicks was a problem? Maybe I should have found a spell to keep me from becoming pregnant. Boggarts. I always forget something. I really forgot something this time.

'We were gone for an hour. Just enough time that mum and dad were getting worried. I don't know why they were worried. What did they think I would do? I guess I DO know why they were worried. They have been telling me and Bill to cool it. I mean I'm sixteen. Mum was married when she was seventeen. She tries to tell me it was because dad killed Riddle and it helped claim his estates because Uncle Bill was a relative, and he needed to work on money and estate issues. I'm not sure I believe her. I think she married dad because she was not any happier being a virgin than I was. I've seem mum and dad together. They are still shamelessly in love. I know she loves my dad's body, and dad loves her body. Bill Lionheart is sooo sexy! I love his body! I loved it when he and I made love. Of course we had to do it all over the next day.

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