Ch 21 Three Weddings

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There was a small crowd at breakfast at Potter's New Burrow. James and Erica were beaming. Hermione was fussing, and Ron announced, "I'm going to the Wheezes, but will be back right after lunch."

"Ron, help me with security here, and let George take care of the Wheezes," Harry told Ron. "Even George and Angelina are taking off this afternoon and evenings for the weddings."

Hermione glared at Ron. Ron contacted George, and came back, a sheepish look on his face. "Angelina bawled me out for thinking about going into work."

Harry told the group, "I'm going to be working with the DMLE on security here, so I should be here all day. I think by noon I will be totally free. I would not even work this morning, but we are just critically short of staff.

"Dennis Creevey is working the whole Christmas Holiday to try and give me time off until after Christmas."

Ann and Orwant were tired. Ginny told them, "You have time for a short nap. We need to talk to the wizard officiating at the wedding this afternoon, before Albus and Cleo marry." They agreed on a time.

Harry turned to Albus and asked, "Do you have wedding rings?"

Albus and Cleo looked at each other, and Albus explained, "We didn't dare look for rings before confronting great-grandmother, and we have hardly had time to think since we've been so busy."

Ginny looked at her wedding rings, and at Harry's. She thought, "I'm almost sure there were at least two sets of rings in the box that contained our wedding rings."

Harry replied, "Let's go to the Potter vault at Gringotts, Al, Cleo."

Harry took Albus and Cleopatra to the Potter vault at Gringotts. Once inside Harry told the couple, "There is a box here with some jewelry. I think there may be a pair of wedding rings similar to the ones your mother and I wear."

Cleo took out her original wand, and went right over to a box. "Is it this box, Mr. Potter?"

Harry responded. "Cleo, you have been calling Ginny Mum Potter from almost the first time you two met. Please call me Harry, or Dad Potter, or something different than Mr. Potter.

"How did you know that was the box?"

"It just felt like the box, Dad Potter," Cleo pondered, her face showing that 'I do not know how I did that' look.

Harry opened the box, and then opened a little box inside the box. Inside was a woman's engagement ring and wedding ring and a man's ring that was obviously a mate to the engagement ring, plus a wedding ring that fit alongside the man's ring. Men almost never wore more than a plain band, but this set, for some reason, had a man's ring with a stone that you wore along with the wedding band.

The rings came with a parchment.:

"If you are thinking of giving these rings to each other, they come with a blessing and a warning.

Every couple who has worn these rings has been blessed with children to carry on the Potter name. The Potter fortune has increased, and all of the Potters have been generous because of their good fortune.

With wealth comes the obligation to be generous. Do not curse yourselves by being miserly.

If you want the blessing, you must promise to love each other in sickness as well as in health, in bad times as well as in good times, through sorrow as well as joy, knowing as you promise to love each other that there will be sickness and sorrow and hard times."

Harry observed, "This is identical to the parchment that was with your mother and my rings. We have certainly had our share of sorrow, and hard times, but much more joy and good times."

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