Ch 47 The First Summer as Princess and Prince

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Tuesday July eighteenth Ginny and Harry Potter were back at Mayo Magical, going through all the tests again. Ginny knew the routine by now. Submit a urine sample, get blood drawn, have a Muggle ultrasound and a magical imaging, and then get poked and prodded and questioned by the healers.

"I wish they had some answers," Ginny complained to Harry as they were heading home. "Gregory Godric is active enough. Did you see him moving around when they did the ultrasound?"

"He seems reasonably active," Harry replied.

"It always was annoying when I was awakened in the middle of the night, or during a much needed nap, by a baby deciding to wake up and push against me," Ginny mused. "But Monica Jane doesn't move. At least not that I can notice. Sometimes I wish she would try to beat me black and blue inside there instead of just ... Oh Harry. I'm worried. I'm scared for her."

"All we can do it take care of you," Harry replied, giving Ginny a hug. "That is what the midwitches have stressed. That and take your potions, including the one that should prevent premature labor, as long as the babies are healthy. I'm glad you are seeing a midwitch every week now."

"Two weeks before my due date it will be every other day!" Ginny complained. "Now that Lily is out of school she is going to be doing all the interviews, and except for games I am staying in the house."


The same Tuesday Albus and Cleo were meeting with the Swiss healers associated with Mayo Medical. The Muggle and Muggle like illnesses that Magi suffered were mostly treated in the United States location, but Mayo Medical had part of the hospital in Switzerland that treated curses, spell injuries, and other unique magical maladies. This was where Lavender Brown was treated, because her injuries were inflicted by a werewolf and were not normal injuries. These healers also developed the treatment for the pockmarks that James Potter had received from the Potions accident.

"Your Resurrection Stone has been able to heal or help to heal some of our more complex or serious curses," Marcus Wellbe, the healer in charge of the department told Albus. "We would like to use it more often, but your job does not seem to be primarily to be a healer."

"The Resurrection Stone must not be used for your own good, but only for others," Albus insisted. "I am not aware of anything that would not permit me to let the healers here use it, but I know that the prophesies Cleo and I operate under require me to possess the stone. Let me see if I can let healers use it, and under what conditions."

The group then talked about a couple of cases where Albus would use the Resurrection Stone to try and help heal difficult curses.


Albus and Cleo spent much of the rest of the day conferring with the prophets. Albus tried to see if one of the Crystal Balls could give him any advice, without any success. Cleo at times watched as Albus used the Crystal Ball, but she never used them. She was afraid that if she tried she would see too much, and she already had trouble occasionally seeing too much, seeing things beyond what most beings saw.


Thursday Morning Albus and Cleo met with Jesus and Ginny, Galadriel and Thorin, Luthien and Beren.

"The healers want to use the Resurrection Stone to help heal difficult curses, and I want to let them," Albus told the group. "I am just not sure what restrictions I need to put on them, since I need to possess it to fulfill the prophesies Cleo and I operate under."

"Who do you intend to let use it?" Galadriel wondered.

"I think that no one should be the only Magi to use it," Albus replied. "Should Elves use it?"

Albus Potter and the Prophesied YearWhere stories live. Discover now