Ch 18 Teddy's Children

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Teddy, Ann and Orwant went to the area of the island where the children, and their caregivers were. They were met by a growing number of Magi, mostly witches, who specialized in what might be called Family Law, or who took care of injured or traumatized children. As they were looking at this group of people Teddy spotted a woman he knew.

"Hello, Josefina," Teddy said, spotting a child on her hip, his oldest daughter carrying his son.

"Edwardo Wolfman?" she wondered. The woman came over looking to them relieved and determined. "I thought you were dead. They found your severed leg. What is going on?"

"Jezebel has been defeated, by my wife's cousin Albus Potter and his soulmate Cleopatra. She has Jezebel's wand. They and hundreds of Aurors and others are taking over the island."

"You escaped! You owe me! Take me off this cursed island, along with, our daughter Rosario. I am nursing your son, Javier, and watching your oldest Juana. I don't know where their mother Veronica is, but she is a mean and nasty witch and I hope she ... she is mean, like her son."

Just then Caroline VanLente showed up, along with a couple additional witches.

"Hello, Teddy," Caroline started. "Who do we have here?"

"You know how perverted this island is, and what I had to do to survive here. I want to introduce you to Josefina, who I apparently impregnated shortly before I escaped. I thought she might be pregnant. I just met my daughter Rosario. I also impregnated the witch I had been living with, Veronica, the same time."

"Veronica is mean and nasty and, I've been nursing both babies since shortly after Javier was born because she was too busy with other things. I mean, I'm a No-Maj, but I have a magical child, and I've been taking care of Edwardo's and Veronica child, Juana," Josefina explained, pointing to each child in turn. The children looked frightened by the adults, and were watching them warily, except for Fernando, who was standing some distance away from the others and seemed to be leering at other children. "I have to watch Fernando, their half-brother, too, sometimes but he is as mean as his mother and I have to keep him from," Josefina started to cry. "I try to keep him away from the other children. He's only ten and he has been sexually abused and does it to little children and he is just a horrible person."

Josefina turned frantically to Teddy. "Get us off this cursed island, please. Take all of us! Please!"

Caroline briefly consulted with the two witches she was with. "We are having a very difficult time dealing with all these children, Teddy," Carolina observed. "It would really help us if you could take this woman and these children. We don't separate families, so you are going to have to take Fernando too, but he needs to be watched and more."

"How am I going to explain this to Victoire?" Teddy wondered out loud.

"I will come with you, and try and tell Victoire that you had to do this to stay alive on the island," Caroline told Teddy.

Orwant told Teddy, "We are going back to England. Cleo has gone back, and we need to see her tonight before, I don't know. I think there are weeks of work that need to be done in the next few days."

The group took the Closet and Floo networks back to England. They all ended up at the New Burrow.

Molly was sitting in the little area off the kitchen, knitting, when this crowd came through the Floo. "Hello Teddy," she started. "Hello Caroline, Orwant, Ann. The Potters are next door." She looked at the rest of the people, surprised. "Victoire is upstairs." She watched the whole group troop upstairs, while Ann and Orwant continued on to Potters New Burrow.

Albus Potter and the Prophesied YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz