Ch 19 The Day After the Battle

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Molly was up early, getting breakfast ready. She thought about the previous night, when Teddy showed up with Josefina and all these children. She had never wanted a simple life, and was grateful for all the children and grandchildren, but this was getting crazy even for her.

Andromeda Tonks was next into the kitchen. "Did Teddy get back last night?" she wondered.

"Yes, and he was not alone," Molly replied. "Maria was apparently not the only child he fathered on the island."

"Another one!" Andy exclaimed.

"More," Molly replied.

Andy looked toward the entrance to the kitchen, wondering just who or what Teddy would be bringing. A short time later Teddy walked into the kitchen, wearing his leg but not putting much pressure on it, a crutch in one hand, Maria, not quite two, in the other. Victoire followed with Venus, and then a striking looking young lady followed with two more infants. A young child, maybe about three, Andy was not quite sure, followed, and bringing up the rear was a surly looking boy and a very self-confident and determined young Elf.

"These are not all yours, Teddy?" Andromeda wondered.

"Well, it is complicated," Teddy replied, chagrin showing in his voice and bearing. "I want to introduce you to Josefina, who is holding our daughter Rosario and my son Javier.

"This is Javier's sister Juana; She was born to the witch I was living with on the island. She came over here with Jezebel, and we have no idea if she is alive or dead.

Josefina looked both scared and worried. "I love these children," she volunteered. "I hope I get to take care of them."

"I have to agree," Teddy replied. "At least from what I saw when I was living on the island, Josefina may be the better mother.

"The young man is Fernando, the half-brother of the other two, and he has to be watched all the time to keep him from harming others."

"I'm Keystone," the Elf said in introduction. "It is my job to watch Fernando."

"I don't need watching, and I will do whatever I g** d*** want," Fernando replied. Fernando proceeded to throw a temper tantrum, but the Elf silenced him and levitated him out of the room.

"I didn't want to say too much with Fernando in the room," Josefina whispered to Molly, "but Veronica is just an awful person, and it looks like Fernando is working on being the same sort of person. It is really sad, and frightening."

"What is your family name, Josefina," Andromeda wondered.

"I don't have a family," Josefina frowned.

"Who raised you?" Andy gasped.

"I was, I don't remember, on the street, until some men found me because some men like little girls, and then I was sold until two of them and four of us girls were taken to the island. I saw Jezebel kill the men and the other three girls, but I made myself attractive and a couple of the wizards took me in as a plaything. It wasn't all that bad. Not like when I was sold before, mostly, mostly. Well, some of the men on the island are rough and want to hurt you, but it wasn't quite as bad as before. Then I found out that mothers were seldom killed, but most of the men on the island were not, just, well."

Josefina looked at Teddy. "Edwardo was one of the few men on the island that wasn't awful as a father, so I tricked him into thinking I couldn't, he didn't have to use a condom because I'm a No-Maj and cannot use the potions, and then he, we thought he was killed but he escaped.

"And I ended up nursing Teddy's Javier as well, and taking care of Juana, because their mother Veronica isn't much interested in being a mother, and by being a mother I was safer, mostly, except for men who want to do it with a nursing mother, but it wasn't too bad."

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