Ch 10 Planning the Next Steps

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The day after James and Erica met their parents, Harry was talking to Hermione about the situation at Hogwarts, and especially about Albus and Cleo, Scorpius and Rose. They were in her office with her privacy wards activated.

"The head of the family really should show up to force a marriage," Hermione told Harry. "At least that is how I read the law."

"Does the law really imply that as head of the family Jezebel has to show up to force Cleo and Scorpius to marry?" Harry wondered.

"That is how I am reading the law, Harry," Hermione evasively responded. "That is what I've told Narcissa and Cleo.

"Are you as worried about this plan as I am?"

Harry replied, "Terrified."

"I think I am more worried about Rose, and Scorpius, than I am about Albus and Cleo," Hermione sighed, obviously very worried. "Everything we do will have to be focused on protecting Al and Cleo. I am just afraid that Rose or Scorpius or both may end up ... hurt or ... dead."

Harry stood up and hugged Hermione. "I wish I had some comforting words," Harry replied.


Cleo walked out to a tent where a meeting had been set up with a representative of Jezebel. The Ministry and Hogwarts had promised free passage for the witch, who was sitting on a chair waiting.

Cleo showed up, accompanied by Dis and one of the Hogwarts Elves, and making sure to keep from touching distance of the witch.

"According to our law you do not need to marry at Malfoy Manor," the witch insisted.

"Show me the law, where it is published by the International Confederation of Witches and Wizards, and where this supposed island is," Cleo retorted. "From what Hermione Granger-Weasley says, only the head of the family can force Scorpius and I to marry. So, are you saying that I should proclaim my mother head of this supposed island since the former head is too much a coward to come to my wedding?"

"Your mother will never be head of the island," the witch snapped.

"So maybe I should proclaim myself head of the island, and since she is such a coward just assemble an army and kill her?"

"You have no idea what powers you are confronting!" the witch exclaimed, jumping to her feet in anger.

Cleo took out her unusual wand. "I'm not exactly powerless myself, especially against a coward," she smirked, waving the wand. "If Jezebel doesn't show up maybe I should just marry Albus, and then she can confront the Elder Wand and the great-grandchild she was too much a coward to even meet."

Cleo arose and left.


"I've told Draco, Astoria, and everyone I can get in touch with from Jezebel's island that Cleo and Scorpius are not going to her island to marry, and they are not going to marry at Malfoy Manor if she doesn't care enough to show up," Narcissa told Harry. "I've told them what Hermione told me as well. It is not going over well, but I think by standing our ground we are beginning to make progress."

"We'd better have a big meeting to plan this," Harry replied. "We probably should have done more planning sooner, but I didn't think this crazy plan of Albus's would work. I will get people together tomorrow morning. I may have the four youngsters spend the weekend."


Saturday morning Harry looked at the calendar. It was Saturday November twenty-sixth. He knew that Jezebel was going to want to confront Cleo, ideally have her back on the island, before her birthday December twenty-fifth, less than a month away. Harry was nervous. He went to Hogwarts, and picked up the four young Magi and their Elves, and brought them back to Grimmauld Place.

Albus Potter and the Prophesied YearΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα