Ch 20 Thursday December Twenty-second

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Thursday morning Harry had to get up at 6:30 AM. By 7:00 AM he was met by a Ministry car. He nodded to the driver and two Aurors in the car. Harry took a quick nap during the half hour drive. When they arrived at the residence the Royal couple who were going to visit Scorpius and Rose entered Harry's car, and they were driven to St. Mungo's. Harry ushered the royals past the security and into Scorpius' room.

Scorpius and Rose had been warned that they were going to have visitors, and Rose was appropriately dressed in a conservative but pretty dress. Scorpius had a nice pair of slacks and shoes on, and a loose tunic. The medical people were still looking at his abdomen every hour or so. The curse wounds attached to the knife that had done so much damage to his abdomen could be healed so his insides functioned normally, but at the cost of leaving visible scars. He had one small scar on his face, but a couple of very visible scars on his arms, although the wrist scar disguise was gone. Scorpius' abdomen wound looked bad.

From the best memories of people who had seen the battle, including a couple of the opposing Magi, Scorpius had killed the wizard that had stabbed him and a couple more after he had been severely wounded, but it was only advanced magic that had saved him, first by Rose and then by the healers at St. Mungo's. His insides were rather torn apart during the battle.

Harry ushered the Royals out about 8:15, and accompanied them back to where they were staying, filling them in on what was going on in the world of the Magi during the ride.

Thursday at 8:00 AM Draco and Astoria showed up at St. Mungo's. Draco told the witch at the reception desk, "We've come to see Scorpius Malfoy." The receptionist recognized them, having had a little contact with Astoria and getting a very unfavorable impression of her, so despite knowing who they were she asked, "Who are you? Why do you want to see Scorpius?"

"We're his parents" Draco huffed.

The receptionist discretely pushed a button on the screen on the wizard phone on the desk (paging Rita Skeeter) and asked, "Why do you want to see Scorpius? Are you on his approved visitor's list? You have not been here for a day and a half!"

"We're here now," Draco insisted in an even tone, "and we demand to see our son."

"Even if Rose Weasley is part of the package?" asked Rita, coming into the room.

Draco and Astoria just stood there. The receptionist said in a somewhat hostile tone, "You still did not say why after staying away for a day and a half you decided to finally try to see your son."

"Rose Weasley is in the room with Scorpius, has been since he was wounded," Rita proclaimed as she rushed in. "Are you finally going to be civil to her?" Rita looked right at Astoria and repeated the question. "We all know you hate anyone who is not a pure blooded-witch or wizard. You hate Hermione Grainger-Weasley more than anyone. Are you finally going to be civil to Hermione's daughter Rose?"

"I don't have to answer your questions, you vulture," Astoria raged, just suppressing yelling at her.

"Only one son," Rita proclaimed with a sneer. "Your precious only son, only child, is marrying Hermione Granger-Weasley's daughter. How does it feel?"

"Defend me, Draco," yelled Astoria, her face inches from Draco's. Draco stood there frozen. Despite the nasty tone of voice everything Rita said was true. Astoria was furious that Draco was letting Scorpius marry Rose.

Rita turned her attention to Draco, with a raised voice just short of yelling, "Going to do a better job of defending your precious ice maiden wife than you did defending your son. Everybody else fought and you ran. We saw the photographs. You and Astoria stood as far away from the action as you could. How does it feel to have Scorpius calling Ron Weasley 'dad?' You're not a husband to your wife and now you're not even father to your son."

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