Ch 67 The Parade of the Dead

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It was the morning of June third, two days after the battle. Albus was sitting in the large living room of the palace, and beside him was Cleo. Jesus and Ginny, the Regents, were next to them on one side, and on the other side were Galadriel, Luthien, and Thorin. The key people governing the Magi were next to Jesus and Ginny, and a modest sized contingent of High Elves, including the prominent Goblin Elves, were next to Galadriel and her escorts.

"I want all the bodies brought to Switzerland first," Albus insisted, cutting off the Magi who was arguing with him about the battle and the aftermath. "The prophesies tell me we must have a grand parade to take the Crystal Ball to the Palace. I do not want anyone think this is about Cleo and me. We must never forget the cost to win this battle."

"We Elves will march alongside you," Galadriel insisted. "We fought the same enemy, the evil lord of this world. Our losses were no less grievous, the victory welcome but at a horrible cost."

The rest of the meeting was concerned with arranging the parade.


Friday June fourth there was a parade, covered by all the magical news organizations.

Leading the parade were Albus carrying the Crystal Ball, and next to him Cleo, their children, and in Cleo's arms the body of baby Samson. Next to them were the Elves Galadriel, her face scarred, her eyes blinded, pushing her sister Luthien who had lost her legs and more, Albus knew she had been pregnant, and she had apparently also lost her baby in the battle.

"Luthien will be my eyes," Galadriel had told Albus.

Thorin was marching along with them, wounded but very alive, but Beren, Luthien's mate, was accompanying them on another bier.

There were ranks of living, wounded, and dead Elves from all the various subsets of Elves, Goblins and Dwarves and even Leprechauns.

Following just behind Albus and Cleo was Arnold Castro, the only member of the Honor Guard to escape without grievous wounds, carrying the banner of the Honor Guard. Behind him came a wheelchair and a hospital bed contained two surviving Honor Guard members, along with their families.

Following them, forty-seven biers, each surrounded by family members, of the remaining Honor Guard. Too many widows with young children. Too many young couples who would never have a family. Too many grown children who had lost parents and grandparents. Too many, too many.

Roxanne walked with her three children alongside Frank, her hand on his casket, trying to be proud, but crying like many of the families. It was a heart wrenching scene. Neville and Hannah accompanied the body of their son as well, trying without success to comfort a distraught Roxanne while also tending their grandchildren.

"Neville Longbottom is in line to be the next headmaster of Hogwarts," a commentator remarked. "I've heard that his wife Hannah is leaving the running of her pub and rooming house, The Leaky Cauldron, to her staff so she can support her daughter-in-law, Roxanne."

The people arranging the parade insisted that Albus and Cleo's family came next. Molly Weasley was still in a wheelchair recovering from giving almost more blood than she could spare, blood that saved nine of the ten Magi it was given to, and the body of Arthur, who didn't want to have three young people die for a chance for life for himself.

Hermione and her family accompanied the body of Ron.

"Hermione Granger-Weasley is acting Minister of Magic of Great Britain, and we understand that she will probably be formally installed in that position in the next weeks," the commentator announced.

Albus Potter and the Prophesied YearHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin