Ch 40 Taking the Crystal Ball to Switzerland

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Rose Granger-Weasley woke up Saturday April eight, in the master bedroom of Malfoy Manor. She looked at the largish mounds her breasts had become. She felt down to the bump growing down below. Someone else was waking up, rolling around and pushing against the uterus that was confining her. "Scorpius, feel the baby," Rose whispered. Scorpius sleepily put a hand on Rose's baby bump, and felt the movement. There was something magical about feeling their child roll around and push against Rose. Once he could feel the baby move things had changed. He was eager to meet this new person. "Are we really creating an eternal being?" Scorpius asked, feeling the baby bump, in awe of what they were creating.

"I'm not a theologian, Scorpius," Rose replied. "I know we live on after death. The ghosts, the people who came out of the nothingness to heal you, the four founders, Uncle Harry and Albus's stories, all testify to that. But forever is a long time. I don't know. I just know that if you really believe and try to live a good life it is better, and being Christian helps me."

"The fact that the spells and other things about the farms were so anti-Christian makes me want to believe," Scorpius mused. "I wish it was simple. It was anti-Jewish as well, but I'm not Jewish. I guess in the East, where they are finding similar hidden farms, it is more anti Buddhist, or against other moral codes. You and your mother, Albus and Cleo, are Christian. As best as I can discern, I need your religion to be my religion and your God to be my God."

"I'm excited that you are going to be baptized and joining the church tonight," Rose smiled. "Meanwhile we have to go to the tent at the Malfoy farm and listen to Father Charlie Brown and his wife Marylyn try to explain Easter and Christianity to the people from the English farms."

"I think they want to become Christian because their rescuers are," Scorpius thought.


Cleopatra Potter woke up to movement in her uterus. She looked over her breasts, way too much of them. The last weeks had reinforced that too much was too much. She was very grateful she was a witch, with levitation spells to keep from being weighed down by the massive bumps her pregnant breasts had become. Too much. They were in the way as well. Too big, too much. Albus was looking at her. "Adam is moving," she told her husband. He felt down to the baby bump as the baby in Cleo stretched and moved. Albus poked, and the baby moved away. Albus knew, because his mother had told him, that he had poked back, but Adam just tried to move out of the way. Children were different before they were born.

"Easter sunrise, well Saturday night, service tonight, to see Scorpius received into the church," Albus thought. "Monday getting ready, and taking the Crystal Ball to Switzerland on Tuesday."

Albus and Cleopatra worked on packing up all their possessions Saturday morning. "I've packed the Fertility Goddess robe," Cleo told Albus. "There is no way I want to march into Switzerland wearing that robe. I could have most of the fertile witches in Switzerland pregnant at the same time, and that would be just wrong. I wore it for our wedding, but really that was too much as well. It would have been OK if it had been a small wedding, maybe, but I didn't know how to control the wand and dress well enough."

Albus and Cleo had worked on how to limit the magic of their two wand to themselves when they made love, and only use their erotic magic in a very controlled way. It had become better, much better, but with Cleo always a little too close to being out of control.

Richard and Annabella Fagan were going to take Albus and Cleo's possessions to Switzerland that afternoon, along with their possessions. The Fagans were going to have an apartment in the castle, at least for the time being. Jesus and Ginny were also going to move their possessions to Switzerland. "I feel bad about kicking your parents out of the Regent's quarters," Jesus told Albus.

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