Ch 11 Preparation on All Sides

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"I've spoken with Scorpius and Cleopatra, and they have agreed to marry December twentieth, as long as you can get Jezebel to come and witness the wedding," Narcissa told Draco and Astoria Sunday November twenty-seventh. "Inform Jezebel. Cleo is looking forward to meeting her family."

"Cleo and Scorpius do not get to dictate the timing of their wedding," Draco snarled.

"Since it is their wedding, I think they do," Narcissa countered, holding firm. "Cleo has made it very clear that if Jezebel is too much a coward to come to the wedding, she will marry Albus, and she will believe that Jezebel has given up her control of the island. I do not understand what is going on, but I get the impression that they think they could take over the island if Jezebel does not meet Cleo before she becomes an adult at seventeen. Something about Jezebel's power diminishing and Cleo's increasing."

"I will inform Jezebel, but she is not going to be happy," Draco replied.

"Jezebel's happiness is the least of my concerns," Narcissa growled. "I'm still upset that you and that worthless wife of yours signed the betrothal papers and are forcing this marriage." Narcissa left the room without a backwards glance at her 'son' and his wife.


"I need to disable the fireplace at Malfoy Manor once Jezebel comes through it," Harry told George, Angelina and some of the staff of Angelina's Angel Armor. "Any ideas?"

"Fireworks, or more precisely bombs," George suggested. He moved to a table in the workshop and picked up the item as he spoke. "I have a magical remote control that can ignite explosives powerful enough to disable the Floo. If you come through the Floo you just have to deposit them before you leave the Floo. If you are wearing your invisibility cloak no one should notice."

"We should fit everybody who is going to be there with magical Kevlar undergarments," Angelina suggested. "There is a passage between our private Floo and the store that doesn't go through the Wheezes, so no one needs to know they were there."


"A team from Jezebel wants to inspect Malfoy Manor," Narcissa told Harry, using Molly's magical/muggle mobile when she was visiting Molly.

"I am going to procure a magical/muggle mobile for you," Harry told Narcissa. "I want Molly to teach you how to text message, so you can tell me when the team will be coming. I've a good magical map of Malfoy Manor and the property around it, and can see where they are going, even if you are not with them all of the time."

"I will be back to see Molly tomorrow," Narcissa replied.

Harry disconnected the call, and Narcissa turned to Molly and, holding out the mobile, told her friend, "Harry is going to procure one of these for me. He says you need to teach me how to text message."

Molly did, and Narcissa gasped, "That is all you have to do? It's so easy even a Muggle could do it!"

"Muggle's do it all the time, from what I understand," Molly replied with a grin.


Draco and Narcissa met the witch and wizard from the Island of the Pirate Witch Queen, as they came through the Floo in the living room.

"We need to examine the house," the witch barked. Narcissa raised her eyebrow at the woman's rudeness.

"Let me get some keys from my office," Narcissa told the pair. She went into her office and texted Harry, "The witch and wizard are here to examine Malfoy Manor."

Harry texted back, "Thank you."

After making them wait several minutes, Narcissa left her office, and led them out to the imposing entrance hall, up the magnificent central staircase, and around to another staircase, purposefully avoiding critical areas and wasting time. "The great-grandmothers, Druella Rosier Black and Godiva Greengrass Malfoy live in apartments up here," Narcissa told the couple.

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