Ch 8 Getting Narcissa Involved

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Monday after the normal Monday morning DMLE meeting Harry headed to Hogwarts. Minerva McGonagall told Harry, "We had better talk to the Matrons."

The two headed to the infirmary, and sat down with both Matrons.

"How many pregnant witches do we have?" Harry wondered.

"As of right now we know of fifteen seventh year and younger," Genevieve replied. "Thirteen of them are pregnant by the wizard they would like to marry. One is pregnant by another wizard, a total accident. She and her boyfriend are, I understand, going to marry, if possible over Christmas, and then raise her baby as if he is the father. Legally and even magically that works.

"There are three more among the older students, eight year and beyond. Two of the three are very upset, but with the older students it is not as unexpected."

"How come they were all fertile at the same time?" Minerva wondered.

"Something happened last year to cause many of the witches to have their periods at the same time," Genevieve replied. "I thought it was very strange then, but we could not find any reason for it. This spell, curse, whatever it was, has obviously been planned for a long time. It is sure not normal.

"We have one witch that has no desire to marry, and maybe not even to raise a child, but is not ready to abort the baby either. That is, I guess, good. We really do discourage aborting a magical baby."

"What will happen to the baby?" Harry wondered.

"Magical infants are often easy to give up for adoption," Genevieve responded. "They do not become available very often. That the baby was born out of wedlock may be a problem for the child, however. The British magical community can be very narrow minded, and the child may end up being adopted somewhere where they don't care as much about such things."

"No abortions?" Harry wondered.

"None that I will admit to," Genevieve replied. "Don't ask."

The Matrons did not want to give Harry or Minerva too much information on who was pregnant, citing patient confidentially."

When they left the infirmary Harry told Minerva, "I would like to see Albus, Cleo, Scorpius and Rose at lunch."

"I will have them go to the small room next to the Great Hall we often use for meetings or private meals," Minerva replied. Since it was just before lunch, she wrote a quick note on a parchment, duplicated it four times, and turned it into four paper airplanes.

Harry entered the little room next to the Great Hall when the only students in the room were there early, not having class. A short time later the Albus, Cleo, Rose and Scorpius entered the little room, along with Frerin and Dis. The seven sat down and lunch appeared on the table.

"Scorpius," Harry started, turning to the young Magi, "Have you been able to become acquainted with your namesake? Could you ask him some questions?"

"We are acquainted, and I do talk to him occasionally," Scorpius replied. "Usually I need to be alone to talk to him; he doesn't like Albus. Well, he doesn't like anybody, really, but he doesn't like me less than most people. He REALLY doesn't like my grandfather Lucius, so we have that in common."

"One of the ghosts saw a couple have intercourse under the spells three Saturday's ago, and I wonder if your namesake Scorpius did as well," Harry explained. "See what you can find out, please."

"Yes, sir!" Scorpius exclaimed. "Have you talked to my grandmother yet?"

"I will be seeing her this afternoon," Harry replied. "We are just starting to work on this crazy plan."

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