Ch 60 Summertime, and The Living is Easy2023

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Saturday July fourth, twenty-twenty-six, Albus and Cleo, along with Adam, Morgana and Eve, left for Resort Cleo. Rose, Scorpius, Elanor, Bella and Gardner accompanied them. As they were traveling Cleo explained, "We are meeting four couples there. Two couples in their thirties and one in their forties didn't want any children until recently, and now that they do they are having a hard time getting pregnant. The other couple is in their twenties, and have not done anything to prevent her from becoming pregnant, but after a couple of years of trying nothing has happened.

"I've brought my wedding dress, and am going to be praying for them and trying to do a fertility spell over them when we arrive."

"I'm not ready for another one, not yet," Rose volunteered. "I will be, eventually, but not right now."

"I know I can control my magic much better than I could at my wedding," Cleo let Rose know. "I doubt if I will cause you and Scorpius to start a baby this week."

"I'm still nursing Gardner, and you are still nursing Eve," Rose observed. "I am still taking the birth control and lactation potions."

"I am too," Cleo confirmed. "Eve is in no hurry to wean."


"You know my father, Orwant Smith," Cleo told the Granger-Malfoy family as they arrived on the island. "He is going to take you to your rooms. I need to meet my mother and the four couples we talked about."

Scorpius, Rose, Elanor and Gardner were taken to a dwelling with room for five families, two and three bedroom apartments. Scorpius and Rose were put in one of the two bedroom apartments. When they came out there were two more couples there, one with one child and another obviously on the way, a second with four children ranging in age from ten to two.

Both the inside of the dwelling and a fenced in outside area were obviously set up for families with children, with toys inside, and a playhouse/slide/swing set/climbing thing outside. The couples introduced themselves and their children, and let the children explore and play.

By the next day all five suites were filled, and the Grange-Malfoy family had a wonderful time vacationing with the various families. They played with the toys inside and outside, spent time in the ocean water, and walked over the island exploring. The older children were given strict instructions where they could and could not go, but were allowed to run free. Of course Elanor needed watching all the time, but the parents took turns watching groups of toddlers, giving others a break.

There was even a shallow pool for the little children, in a separate fenced in area, and both Rose and Scorpius learned that when you were watching five to seven children you were always counting heads to make sure none of the children were lost, or under water, or in some other way unaccounted for.


Cleo worked her magic on the four couples the first night they were there. She wore the wedding dress, and examined all of them, one couple at a time, with both wands. There was a fair amount of giggling as Cleo prayed for success in the bedroom, but also prayed that the couples would enjoy each other.

After, as the couples left for their bedrooms, Cleo went over to the building where Rose was, and told her, "I could sense eggs in the wombs of three of the witches. I think this is going to be a good night!"

"The fourth?" Rose wondered.

"The youngest couple, the youngest witch," Cleo replied. "I should be able to sense more at the end of the week, and if she is not pregnant, has not ovulated, I will suggest Mayo Magical Medical in North America. We have a good branch of Mayo Magical in Switzerland, but if she has a Muggle type problem she needs to go to North America."

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