Ch 5 Conception

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Saturday, October first, twenty-twenty-two, Minerva McGonagall looked over the Great Hall, seeing and sensing an almost visible increase in sexual tension. Teen-age hormones were running wild today. She looked at Hanna Longbottom, who was saying good bye to Neville before heading off to the Leaky Cauldron for part of the day. They were kissing like they were going to be apart for weeks, not hours.

Professors Tom and Cinnamon Appleleaf were not kissing, but they were looking at each other like lovesick teen-agers. It wasn't just teen-age hormones that were running wild. She motioned for Neville and Cinnamon, and the two of them, plus Tom, came over.

"Can you sense the sexual tension?" Minerva asked.

"I don't think you normally have another child once your first starts Hogwarts," Tom thought out loud, before giving Cinnamon a lover's kiss.

"Ginny Potter did," Cinnamon countered, blushing. "I do not think it is that uncommon."

"Witches can be fertile much longer than Muggle women," Minerva remarked. "I have had many siblings a full generation apart.

"I am less worried about staff, or even the older students, the ones eighth year and beyond, than I am about our over sixteen sixth and seventh year students."

"A little extra chaperoning could not hurt today," Neville agreed.

"I'm less worried about what students do in public, even though some of what goes on in the portrait room is ... is close to but not quite ..." Cinnamon had an embarrassed grin. "Sorry, I just remember Tom and me."

"You didn't," Neville kidded.

"Well, no, but we came pretty close to," Cinnamon admitted. "Unlike at least one of the school staff."

Neville looked embarrassed. It was well known that Hanna was pregnant before she and Neville married.

Minerva looked at her staff, amused and frustrated. She was concerned that there would be many more very pregnant witches graduating, or occasionally not graduating, this school year. The aphrodisiac spell on the school was that strong.


Teddy was looking at the map of Hogwarts with some concern. Minerva had sent him a text message, and he and Dennis MacGraw were looking at the maps, focusing on different areas, noticing the number of students that had paired up. Celia Hernades and Francisco Villodas were in the Forbidden Forest, and several other Magi, some they thought were allies of the Pirate Witch Queen, others that they could not identify, were too close to the borders of Hogwarts.


The centaurs were worried. All the signs were pointing to something happening today at Hogwarts. Prophecy was telling them that something was going to happen today, but not what. The two Animagi were slithering towards the border, and a small herd of hunters were following them. If the snakes crossed the border into Hogwarts proper they would shoot, to wound if possible but to kill if necessary.


James knew of a place under the Quidditch stands that was very private. With a blanket and some spells, he could get some good snogging in with Erica. He was frustrated that she had not gone to the Matrons for birth control potions yet. They had talked about it, and James thought that she probably would before Christmas. He was going to get her a ring this Christmas, and they would marry this Summer.

He was just exceptionally ready for sex this Saturday, not that he would ever force it, but if and when she was ready he was.

Erica Lionheart was really wishing she had gone to the Matrons for birth control potions. She was so ready for James she could hardly stand it. It was just not the right time of month to do it without birth control potions, or spells, or something, except ... as she became fuzzy, and more happened than she thought it would ...

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