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Chapter Ten

Chris and I sat and watched the stars for a little bit.

He looked at his watch.


We decided that it was late and was probably time for us to go home.

I jumped up from my spot on the ground and Chris held his hands up for me to help him up.
I grabbed his hands, threw my head back and put all of my weight back attempting to help him up.

"My you need to hit the gym!!" I laughed.

"I wouldn't be talking spaghetti arms" he chuckled as he jumped from his spot.

"Touché" I laughed.

He put his hand on the small of my back and guided me back toward the reception area to try and find mum.

After about twenty minutes of looking, we found mum and told her that we should get going.

"Alright" she sighed "just come and say goodbye to your family with me. You can come too Chris. They may as well get to know you"

He laughed and we followed her around saying goodbye to various aunts and uncles and introducing them to Chris.

After we had talked to pretty much everyone at the wedding, I saw that Sam wasn't doing anything so I took Chris and we went to go and talk to her.

"Hey!!!" she squealed "how are you?!!"

She pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I'm doing great!!! And congratulations!!!!" I said "you look amazing"

"Oh thanks! And who is this??" she asked eyeing Chris.

"Christopher Garrett" he said as he stuck out his hand for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you Chris" she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Alright we gotta get going but it was nice seeing you!!" I called and gave her a hug.

"I'm going to call you later!!" she said looking from me to Chris.

"Alright Sammy!!"

Chris, mum and I drove back to the house in silence, Chris had his hand on my leg, and I had my hand resting on his.

As soon as we pulled up into the driveway, mum quickly walked into the house; giving Chris and I some time alone.

"That was the most fun I've had in a while" Chris laughed "your family is a hoot"

"They are pretty fun aren't they?" I laughed.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow baby doll" he said. He gave me a peck on the lips. I stayed in the seat and held his tie in my hand as I gradually pulled him closer. I kissed him passionately and lovingly. He pulled away and kissed me again before I got out of the car to leave.

"Night darlin" Chris smirked "I love you"

"I love youuuu tooo" I laughed.

I was woken up the next morning by Chris knocking on my bedroom door.

"Can I come in baby doll?" I heard Chris say.

"Yeah" I said sleepily rubbing my eyes.

He opened the door and I saw his beautiful face enter the room.

He had something in his hands that was wrapped up really pretty.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked.

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