-Would you record when I spray the champagne? 

-I was going to do it even if you didn't ask. -you smiled and Carlos and Isa pulled away.

-That was longer than Charles and Charlotte or me and Y/n! -Lando said.

-It's not a competition, baby. -you said and he looked you in the eye.

-But...it could be. Whoever stops kissing first, needs to take a ten second shot.

-We can take it without making a kissing competition. -Carlos said, annoyed.

-Drink up then. -Lando dared him and handed him the bottle.

-Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five... -Lando and Charles were counting and Carlos made a face after he finished drinking.

-Well played. -Lando told him.

-It's your turn. -Carlos handed the bottle to him. 

-This wasn't part of the deal. 

-I'll do it. -you said.

-That will hit you so hard, sister, let Lando take the shot.

-I want to take it and I'll even do fifteen seconds but...-you pointed to Charlotte. -If I want to puke you have to come with me to the bathroom.

-Fine, I'll do that but please keep it together. -Charlotte laughed, you grabbed the bottle and everyone started counting, you finished your shot, it was difficult to swallow the liquid, burning your throat but you made it.

-Oh my God. -Charles chortled. 

-I win! -you said, you moved fast and felt dizzy already, Lando grabbed you.

-I guess that hit you fast. -he kissed your cheek and you kissed his lips, softly and then more agressive.

-Excuse me? -Charles said. -We said no kissing competition. -you separated and you hid your face in Lando's neck.

-Sorry, I got carried away. -you giggled, Carlos looked away, he grabbed Isa's hand and went to the dance floor.

-It's show time. -someone said to Charles and he walked up to the DJ booth with a bottle of champagne, you grabbed Lando's hand and went with Charles, you were going to record from behind, you saw Lewis was there and got up next to Charles, they shook hands.

-Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Sir Lewis Hamilton winner of the British Grand Prix and Charles Leclerc coming up second. -everyone cheered, the DJ started playing "Marea (we've lost dancing) by Fred Again" and they popped the champagne, wetting everyone that was in front of the DJ booth, you recorded the whole thing.

-One day it's going to be me. -Lando whispered in your ear.

-I know, Lando. -you smiled at him and got back to the table.

-Thank God we weren't down there. -Charlotte said.

-I know! We wouldn't let them ruin our outfits. -you winked.

-I want to go. -you heard Isa say to Carlos.

-So soon? -you asked her.

-Yeah, Y/n, so soon, I want to get some sleep, I'm bored.

-Oh c'mon, Isa, drink, have fun. -you handed her a drink.

-Let's stay for a little longer. -Carlos said to her, she didn't accepted the drink.

-I'll be right back. -she left.

-What's her deal? -you asked Carlos, you were drunk.

-She's bored apparently.

-Well, she's not even making an effort. -you sipped your drink, Carlos rolled his eyes.

-Leave the girl alone. -Lando added. -Maybe she doesn't want to socialize. Oh, I'll be right back, Lewis needs me. -he squeezed your shoulder and left over to Lewis.

-I need to find Charles. -Charlotte said and she also left, leaving you and Carlos alone, you finished your drink and were dancing to the beat of the music.

-So you're going to let Isa treat you like that again? 

-What do you mean?

-She always bosses you around, I remember you fell apart from your friends for a while because of her, I mean it's none of my business, we're not friends or whatever but be careful.

-All I can see is that you care about me or else you wouldn't mention anything. -you felt the blood rush to your face.

-I'm just saying, Carlos, whatever.


hello hello hello, I get nervous whenever Carlos and Y/n are left alone omg.

tell me your thoughts, vote and thank you for the support!!

when we get to 50 votes and 5 comments I'll upload the next chapter or until Friday, whatever happens first!

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